Identify the article
Contained in: start
Contains: back, body, deposit, front, response, subart, xmlbody
Attributes: none
Automatic identification of authors
Identify automatically a group of authors in the references
Automatic identification of pauthor
Identify automatically a (person) author: surname and fname
Automatic identification of `publoc-pubname`_
Identify automatically publisher location and name
Automatic identification of `pubname-publoc`_
Identify automatically publisher name and location
Automatic identification of sertitle
Identify all the journal titles which match with the selected text.
Group the elements of references which are according to NBR 6023/89 of ABNT
Contained in: back
Contains: acitat
Identify the abstract of the article
Contained in: bbibcom, bibcom, subdoc
Attributes: language
Identify the date in which the article was accepted to publish
Contained in: hist
Attributes: dateiso
Identify a bibliography reference
Contained in: abnt6023
Contains: acontrib, aiserial, amonog, confgrp, no
Attributes: none
Group the elements of acknowledgment
Contained in: back, doc, docresp, subdoc
Attributes: none
Group the elements of a contribution
Contained in: acitat
Contains: *author, author, corpauth, et-al, pages, patgrp, subtitle, title, volid
Attributes: none
Identify the organization to which the author is affiliated
Identify in subdoc the organization to which the author is affiliated
Contained in: subdoc
Contains: label
Attributes: id
Group the elements of a serial publication
Contained in: acitat
Contains: *sertitle, *stitle, cited, city, country, date, doi, extent, issn, isstitle, issueno, notes, pages, pubid, pubname, sertitle, state, stitle, suppl, url, volid
Attributes: none
Identify an alternative title for the document title
Contained in: doctitle
Attributes: none
Group the elements of a monograph
Contained in: acitat
Contains: *author, author, cited, city, coltitle, colvolid, confgrp, corpauth, country, date, doi, edition, et-al, extent, isbn, notes, pages, part, patgrp, pubid, pubname, report, state, subresp, subtitle, thesis, title, tome, url, volid
Attributes: none
Group the elements of references which are according to APA
Contained in: back
Contains: pcitat
Identify the article
Contained in: start
Contains: back, body, deposit, front, response, subart, xmlbody
Attributes: none
Identify information concerning the origin of an extract, display quote, poetry, or similar element.
Contained in: figgrp, versegrp
Attributes: none
Group the authors of the document
Contains: author, corpauth, onbehalf
Attributes: none
Group the elements of the author, such as name, last name and role
Contained in: acontrib, amonog, authgrp, doc, docresp, icontrib, iiserial, imonog, pcontrib, pmonog, subdoc, vcontrib, vmonog
Contains: fname, previous, role, surname, surname-fname
Group of authors in the references
Contains: *pauthor, cauthor, et-al, pauthor
Attributes: role
Identify the back part of the document
Contained in: article, response, subart, text
Contains: abnt6023, ack, apa, appgrp, bbibcom, fngrp, glossary, iso690, licenses, other, vancouv
Attributes: none
Group other elements that are in the back
Contained in: back
Contains: abstract, confgrp, hist, keygrp, report, thesgrp
Attributes: none
Group other elements that are in front
Contained in: front
Contains: abstract, confgrp, hist, keygrp, report, thesgrp, xmlabstr
Attributes: none
Identify the body of the document, without details
Contained in: article
Attributes: none
Identify the caption
Contained in: figgrp, figgrps, supplmat, tabwrap
Attributes: none
Identify the date in which the article was accessed
Contained in: aiserial, amonog, iiserial, imonog, oiserial, omonog, piserial, pmonog, ref, viserial, vmonog
Attributes: dateiso
Identify the city
Contained in: aff, aiserial, amonog, confgrp, iiserial, imonog, normaff, oiserial, omonog, pmonog, thesgrp, thesis, vmonog
Attributes: none
Group the elements of a clinical trial
Contained in: ifloat
Contains: ctreg
Attributes: none
Identify the title of a collection
Contained in: amonog, imonog, omonog, pmonog, vmonog
Attributes: none
Group the elements of a conference
Contained in: acitat, amonog, bbibcom, bibcom, ocitat, omonog, pmonog, ref, vmonog
Contains: city, confname, country, date, no, sponsor, state
Attributes: none
Identify the contract/project number given by the sponsor
Contained in: award, ref, report, rsponsor
Attributes: none
Identify the corporative author
Contained in: acontrib, amonog, authgrp, doc, docresp, icontrib, iiserial, imonog, pcontrib, pmonog, subdoc, vcontrib, vmonog
Contains: orgdiv, orgname, previous
Attributes: none
Identify the country
Contained in: aff, aiserial, amonog, confgrp, iiserial, imonog, normaff, oiserial, omonog, pmonog, thesgrp, thesis, vmonog
Attributes: none
Identify the date related to the context (publication, conference, patent registration, etc)
Contained in: aiserial, amonog, confgrp, icontrib, iiserial, imonog, ocontrib, oiserial, omonog, patgrp, pcontrib, pmonog, product, ref, thesgrp, thesis, viserial, vmonog
Identify a list of definitions
Contained in: deflist, glossary, ifloat, xmlbody
Contains: *deflist, defitem, deflist, sectitle
Attributes: id
Group the data of a document (for XML generation)
Contained in: start
Contains: *kwdgrp, ack, appgrp, author, corpauth, docresp, doctitle, doi, fngrp, glossary, hist, kwdgrp, normaff, onbehalf, refs, related, subdoc, toctitle, xmlabstr, xmlbody
Attributes: none
Group the response data
Contains: *kwdgrp, ack, app, author, corpauth, doctitle, doi, fngrp, glossary, hist, kwdgrp, onbehalf, refs, related, toctitle, xmlabstr, xmlbody
Identify the title of the document
Contained in: doc, docresp, subdoc
Attributes: language
Identify the DOI
Contained in: aiserial, amonog, doc, docresp, front, iiserial, imonog, oiserial, omonog, piserial, pmonog, subdoc, text, viserial, vmonog
Attributes: none
Identify the edition number
Contained in: amonog, iiserial, imonog, omonog, pmonog, ref, vmonog
Attributes: none
Identify any element of XML
Contained in: ifloat
Contains: elemattr
Attributes: name
Electronic address of the author
Contained in: aff, corresp, normaff
Attributes: none
Identify the elements of a equation
Contained in: ifloat
Contains: graphic, label, mmlmath, texmath
Attributes: id
Indicate non cited authors
Contained in: acontrib, amonog, authors, icontrib, iiserial, imonog, ocontrib, omonog, vcontrib, vmonog
Attributes: none
Identify the extension of the document (number of pages)
Contained in: aiserial, amonog, imonog, oiserial, omonog, product, ref, viserial, vmonog
Attributes: none
Group the elements of a figure
Contains: alttext, attrib, caption, graphic, label
Attributes: id
Group a group of figures (Fig 1A, 1B,…)
Contained in: ifloat
Contains: caption, figgrp, label
Attributes: id
Identify the first names of an individual author
Contained in: author, awarded, oauthor, pauthor, sig, subresp
Attributes: none
Identify the front of a document
Contained in: article, response, subart
Contains: aff, authgrp, bibcom, doi, related, titlegrp, toctitle
Attributes: none
Identify a glossary
Contained in: back, doc, docresp, glossary, subdoc
Contains: *deflist, deflist, glossary, label, sectitle
Attributes: none
Identify an image
Contained in: equation, figgrp, ifloat, tabwrap
Contains: alttext
Attributes: href
Identify the history of an article (received and accepted dates)
Contained in: bbibcom, bibcom, doc, docresp, subdoc
Contains: accepted, received, revised
Attributes: none
Identify a reference in ISO 690/87
Contained in: iso690
Contains: icontrib, iiserial, imonog, no
Attributes: none
Group the elements of contribution
Contained in: icitat
Contains: *author, author, corpauth, date, et-al, subresp, subtitle, title
Attributes: none
Contains: *boxedtxt, *deflist, *fn, *list, boxedtxt, cltrial, corresp, deflist, element, equation, figgrp, figgrps, fngrp, graphic, ign, list, media, product, quote, related, supplmat, tabwrap, uri, versegrp, xref
Attributes: none
Group the elements of serial
Contained in: icitat
Contains: *author, *sertitle, *stitle, author, cited, city, corpauth, country, date, doi, edition, et-al, isdesig, issn, isstitle, issueno, medium, notes, pages, pubid, pubname, sertitle, state, stitle, update, url, volid
Attributes: none
Group the elements of monograph
Contained in: icitat
Contains: *author, author, cited, city, coltitle, corpauth, country, date, doi, edition, et-al, extent, isbn, medium, notes, pages, part, patgrp, pubid, pubname, report, state, subresp, subtitle, title, update, url, volid
Attributes: none
Identify the document is in press status
Contained in: viserial, vmonog
Attributes: none
Identify the Internacional Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Contained in: amonog, imonog, omonog, product, ref
Attributes: none
Identify the main dates of a collection, for instance, the initial date of the collection
Contained in: iiserial
Attributes: none
Group the elements of bibliography references which are according to ISO 690/87
Contained in: back
Contains: icitat
Identify the Internacional Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Contained in: aiserial, iiserial, oiserial, ref
Attributes: none
Identify the title of an issue number
Contained in: aiserial, iiserial, oiserial
Attributes: none
Identify the issue number
Contained in: aiserial, iiserial, oiserial, piserial, ref, viserial
Attributes: none
Identify a key word of the document
Contained in: keygrp
Attributes: keyword priority level, language
Group the key words related to one language
Contained in: doc, docresp, subdoc
Attributes: language
Identify a label
Contained in: aff, afftrans, equation, figgrp, figgrps, fngrp, fntable, glossary, li, normaff, ref, supplmat, tabwrap, versegrp
Attributes: none
Group the elements of a license
Contained in: back
Contains: license
Attributes: none
Identify the format of the media in which the document is published
Contained in: iiserial, imonog
Attributes: none
Identify any other information to which there is no tag to identify it. Use the descript attribute to describe the data
Attributes: none
Identify the number
Contained in: acitat, confgrp, icitat, ocitat, pcitat, report, vcitat
Attributes: none
Identify normalized affiliation
Contained in: doc
Contains: city, country, email, label, orgdiv1, orgdiv2, orgname, role, state
Identify notes
Contained in: aiserial, amonog, iiserial, imonog, pmonog
Attributes: none
Group the elements of an individual author
Contained in: ocontrib, omonog
Contains: anonym, fname, previous, surname, surname-fname
Attributes: role
Identify a reference
Contained in: other
Contains: confgrp, no, ocontrib, oiserial, omonog
Attributes: none
Group the elements of a contribution
Contained in: ocitat
Contains: *oauthor, date, et-al, oauthor, ocorpaut, pages, patgrp, subtitle, title
Attributes: none
Identify a corporative author
Contained in: ocontrib, omonog
Contains: orgdiv, orgname, previous
Attributes: none
Group the elements of serial
Contained in: ocitat
Contains: *sertitle, *stitle, cited, city, country, date, doi, extent, issn, isstitle, issueno, othinfo, pages, pubid, pubname, sertitle, stitle, suppl, url, volid
Attributes: none
Group the elements of monograph
Contained in: ocitat
Contains: *oauthor, cited, city, coltitle, confgrp, country, date, doi, edition, et-al, extent, isbn, oauthor, ocorpaut, othinfo, pages, part, patgrp, pubid, pubname, report, state, subtitle, thesis, title, url, volid
Attributes: none
Identify the institution which the contributor represents. Example: John Smith on behalf of Instituition ABCD
Contained in: authgrp, doc, docresp, subdoc
Attributes: none
Identify the division of an institution
Contained in: awarded, corpauth, ocorpaut, rsponsor, sponsor, thesgrp, thesis
Attributes: none
Identify the name of an institution
Contained in: awarded, corpauth, normaff, ocorpaut, patgrp, rsponsor, sponsor, thesgrp, thesis
Attributes: none
Group the elements of bibliography references which are not according to any adopted standard
Contained in: back
Contains: ocitat
Identify a paragraph
Contained in: ack, app, boxedtxt, sec, subsec, xmlabstr, xmlbody
Contains: funding
Attributes: none
Identify the pagination
Contained in: acontrib, aiserial, amonog, iiserial, imonog, ocontrib, oiserial, omonog, piserial, pmonog, ref, viserial, vmonog
Attributes: none
Identify the part of the volume/issue number
Contained in: amonog, imonog, omonog, pmonog, ref, viserial, vmonog
Attributes: none
Group the elements of patent
Contained in: acontrib, amonog, imonog, ocontrib, omonog, vcontrib, vmonog
Contains: date, orgname, patent
Attributes: country
Identify a (person) author
Contained in: authors
Contains: fname, surname, surname-fname
Attributes: none
Identify a bibliography reference
Contained in: apa
Contains: no, pcontrib, piserial, pmonog
Attributes: none
Group the elements of contribution
Contained in: pcitat
Contains: *author, author, corpauth, date, subtitle, title
Attributes: none
Group the elements of serial
Contained in: pcitat
Contains: *sertitle, cited, doi, issueno, pages, pubid, sertitle, suppl, url, volid
Attributes: none
Group the elements of monograph
Contained in: pcitat
Contains: *author, author, cited, city, coltitle, colvolid, confgrp, corpauth, country, date, doi, edition, notes, pages, part, pubid, pubname, report, state, subtitle, thesis, title, url, volid
Attributes: none
Identify the author is the same author of the previous reference
Contained in: author, corpauth, oauthor, ocorpaut
Attributes: none
Contained in: ifloat
Contains: authors, chptitle, date, extent, isbn, moreinfo, publoc, pubname, series, source
Attributes: prodtype
Identify an id of any external database, such as DOI, pmid (PubMed), pmcid (PMC), etc
Contained in: aiserial, amonog, iiserial, imonog, oiserial, omonog, piserial, pmonog, ref, viserial, vmonog
Attributes: idtype
Identify the publisher
Contained in: aiserial, amonog, iiserial, imonog, oiserial, omonog, pmonog, product, ref, vmonog
Attributes: none
Identify the date in which the article was received by peer review system
Contained in: hist
Attributes: dateiso
Group the reference elements
Contained in: refs
Contains: *authors, *publoc-pubname, *pubname-publoc, *source, arttitle, authors, chptitle, cited, confgrp, contract, date, edition, extent, isbn, issn, issueno, label, moreinfo, pages, part, patentno, pubid, publoc, pubname, reportid, series, source, suppl, text-ref, thesgrp, url, volid
Group the elements of funding
Contained in: amonog, bbibcom, bibcom, imonog, omonog, pmonog, vmonog
Contains: contract, no, projname, rsponsor
Attributes: none
Identify the date in which the article was revised by peer review system
Contained in: hist
Attributes: dateiso
Identify the role of the author
Contained in: aff, author, normaff, sigblock
Attributes: none
Identify the sponsor or funding institution
Contained in: report
Contains: contract, orgdiv, orgname
Attributes: none
Identify a section title
Contained in: ack, app, deflist, glossary, kwdgrp, refs, sec, subsec, xmlabstr
Attributes: none
Identify the journal title
Contained in: aiserial, iiserial, oiserial, piserial
Attributes: none
Identify the state/region
Contained in: aff, aiserial, amonog, confgrp, iiserial, imonog, normaff, omonog, pmonog, thesgrp, thesis, vmonog
Attributes: none
Identify the short title of a journal
Contained in: aiserial, iiserial, oiserial, vstitle
Attributes: none
Identify the text which is related to the article
Group the sub-document data
Contains: *kwdgrp, abstract, ack, afftrans, app, author, corpauth, docresp, doctitle, doi, fngrp, glossary, hist, kwdgrp, onbehalf, refs, related, subdoc, toctitle, xmlabstr, xmlbody
Identify the secondary responsabilities
Contained in: amonog, icontrib, imonog
Contains: fname, surname, surname-fname
Attributes: role
Identify the subtitle
Contained in: acontrib, amonog, doctitle, icontrib, imonog, ocontrib, omonog, pcontrib, pmonog, titlegrp, vtitle
Attributes: none
Identify the supplement
Contained in: aiserial, oiserial, piserial, ref, viserial
Attributes: none
Identify the last name
Contained in: author, awarded, oauthor, pauthor, sig, subresp
Attributes: none
Identify surname and fname of one author (surname separator fname or fname separator surname)
Contained in: author, awarded, oauthor, pauthor, sig, subresp
Attributes: none
Group the elements of a table
Contained in: ifloat
Contains: caption, fntable, graphic, label, table
Attributes: id
Identify a text
Contained in: start
Contains: aff, authgrp, back, doi, titlegrp
Attributes: none
Group the elements of a thesis
Contained in: bbibcom, bibcom, ref
Contains: city, country, date, degree, orgdiv, orgname, state
Attributes: none
Group the elements of a thesis
Contained in: amonog, omonog, pmonog, vmonog
Contains: city, country, date, degree, orgdiv, orgname, state
Attributes: none
Identify the title of the document
Contained in: acontrib, amonog, icontrib, imonog, ocontrib, omonog, pcontrib, pmonog, titlegrp, vtitle
Attributes: language
Identify the TOC section title. It is mandatory to the generation of XML files.
Contained in: doc, docresp, front, subdoc
Attributes: none
Identify the electronic address of the document
Contained in: aiserial, amonog, iiserial, imonog, oiserial, omonog, piserial, pmonog, ref, viserial, vmonog
Attributes: none
Group the elements of bibliography references which are according to Vancouver
Contained in: back
Contains: vcitat
Identify a bibliography reference
Contained in: vancouv
Contains: no, vcontrib, viserial, vmonog
Attributes: none
Group the elements of contribution
Contained in: vcitat
Contains: *author, author, corpauth, et-al, patgrp, vtitle
Attributes: none
Identify song, poem, or verse
Contained in: ifloat, versegrp
Contains: attrib, label, versegrp, versline
Attributes: none
Group the elements of serial
Contained in: vcitat
Contains: cited, date, doi, extent, inpress, issueno, pages, part, pubid, suppl, url, volid, vstitle
Attributes: none
Group the elements of monograph
Contained in: vcitat
Contains: *author, author, cited, city, coltitle, confgrp, corpauth, country, date, doi, edition, et-al, extent, inpress, pages, part, patgrp, pubid, pubname, report, state, thesis, url, version, volid, vtitle
Attributes: none
Identify the volume
Contained in: acontrib, aiserial, amonog, iiserial, imonog, oiserial, omonog, piserial, pmonog, ref, viserial, vmonog
Attributes: none
Group the elements of title in Vancouver
Contained in: vcontrib, vmonog
Attributes: none
Identify the abstract with sections
Contained in: bibcom, doc, docresp, subdoc
Attributes: language
Identify the type of author id
Is attribute of:
orcid | orcid |
lattes | lattes |
Identify the text block type
Is attribute of:
nd | undefined |
ack | Acknowledge |
Identify the Identify where the markup is done
Is attribute of:
bjce | brazilian journal of chemical engineering |
bjg | brazilian journal of genetics |
bjmbr | brazilian journal of medical and biological research |
bjp | brazilian journal of physics |
conicyt | Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica |
dados | dados - revista de ciências sociais |
br1.1 | scielo/bireme |
infomed | InfoMed |
jbchs | journal of the brazilian chemical society |
jbcos | journal of the brazilian computer society |
mioc | memórias do instituto oswaldo cruz |
rbcs | revista brasileira de ciência do solo |
rbgeo | revista brasileira de geociências |
rimtsp | revista do instituto de medicina tropical de são paulo |
rsp | revista de saúde pública |
Identify the correspondence information
Is attribute of: author
y | yes |
n | no |
Identify the quantity
Is attribute of: abnt6023, apa, iso690, other, vancouv
0 | 0 |
Identify the country
Is attribute of: patentno, patgrp
AF | Afghanistan |
AL | Albania |
DZ | Algeria |
AS | American Samoa |
AD | Andorra |
AO | Angola |
AQ | Antarctica |
AG | Antigua |
AR | Argentina |
AU | Australia |
AT | Austria |
BS | Bahamas |
BH | Bahrain |
BD | Bangladesh |
BB | Barbados |
BE | Belgium |
BZ | Belize |
BM | Bermuda |
BT | Bhutan |
BO | Bolivia |
BW | Botswana |
BV | Bouvet Island |
BR | Brazil |
VG | British Virgin Islands |
BN | Brunei |
BG | Bulgaria |
BU | Burma |
BI | Burundi |
BY | Byelorussian RSS |
CM | Cameroon |
CA | Canada |
CV | Cape Verde |
CF | Central African Rep. |
TD | Chad |
CL | Chile |
CN | China |
CO | Colombia |
CG | Congo |
CR | Costa Rica |
CU | Cuba |
CY | Cyprus |
CS | Czechoslovakia |
DK | Denmark |
DM | Dominica |
DO | Dominican Republic |
NQ | Dronning Maud Land |
EC | Ecuador |
EG | Egypt |
SV | El Salvador |
ET | Ethiopia |
FK | Falkland Islands(Malvinas) |
FJ | Fiji |
FI | Filand |
FR | France |
GF | French Guiana |
PF | French Polynesia |
GA | Gabon |
DD | German Democratic Republic |
DE | Germany, Federal Republic |
GH | Ghana |
GI | Gibraltar |
GR | Greece |
GL | Greenland |
GD | Grenada |
GP | Guadeloupe |
GU | Guam |
GT | Guatemala |
GC | Guinea Ecuatorial |
GN | Guinea |
GW | Guinea-Bissau |
GY | Guyana |
HT | Haiti |
HN | Honduras |
HK | Hong Kong |
HU | Hungary |
IS | Iceland |
IN | India |
ID | Indonesia |
IR | Iran |
IQ | Iraq |
IE | Ireland |
CX | Isla de Navidad |
JT | Isla Johnston |
NU | Isla Niue |
WK | Isla Wake |
PU | Islands Miscellaneous |
CT | Islas Canton y Enderbury |
CC | Islas Cocos (Keeling) |
CK | Islas Cook |
FO | Islas Feroe |
HM | Islas Heard y Mc Donald |
MI | Islas Midway |
PN | Islas Pitcairn |
SB | Islas Salomón Británico |
SJ | Islas Svalbard y Jan Mayen |
TK | Islas Tokelau |
WF | Islas Wallis y Futuna |
IL | Israel |
IT | Italy |
YU | Iugoslavia |
CI | Ivory Coast |
JM | Jamaica |
JP | Japan |
JO | Jordan |
KM | Kamoras Islands |
KH | Kampuchea Democrática |
KY | Kayman Islands |
KE | Kenya |
KD | Korea, Democratic People’s |
KP | Korea, Democratic People’s |
KR | Korea, Republic of |
KW | Kuwait |
LD | Lao People’s Democratic |
LB | Lebanon |
LS | Lesotho |
LR | Liberia |
LY | Libyan |
LI | Liechtenstein |
LU | Luxembourg |
MO | Macau |
MG | Madagascar |
MW | Malawi |
MY | Malaysia |
MV | Maldivas |
ML | Mali |
MT | Malta |
MQ | Martinique |
MR | Mauritania |
MU | Mauritius |
MX | Mexico |
MC | Monaco |
MN | Mongolia |
MS | Montserrat |
MA | Morocco |
MZ | Mozambique |
NA | Namibia |
NR | Nauru |
NP | Nepal |
NL | Netherlands |
AN | Netherlands Antilles |
NC | New Caledonia |
NZ | New Zealand |
NI | Nicaragua |
NE | Niger |
NG | Nigeria |
NF | Norfolk Island |
NO | Norway |
NH | Nuevas Hébridas |
OM | Oman |
PC | Pacific Islands |
PK | Pakistan |
PA | Panama |
PG | Papua New Guinea |
PY | Paraguay |
PE | Peru |
PH | Philippines |
PL | Poland |
PT | Portugal |
PR | Puerto Rico |
QA | Qatar |
LA | Republic |
RE | Réunion |
RO | Romania |
RW | Rwanda |
PM |
LC | Saint Lucia |
VC | Saint Vincent |
WS | Samoa |
KN | San Cristóbal-Nieves-Anguila |
SM | San Marino |
ST | Sao Tome and Principe |
SA | Saudi Arabia |
SC | Seichelles |
SN | Senegal |
SL | Sierra Leone |
SK | Sikkim |
SG | Singapur |
SO | Somalia |
ZA | South Africa |
ES | Spain |
LK | Sri Lanka |
SH | St. Helena |
SD | Sudan |
SR | Suriname |
SZ | Swaziland |
SE | Sweden |
CH | Switzerland |
SY | Syrian Arab Republic |
TW | Taiwan |
TZ | Tanzania |
TH | Thailand |
TG | Togo |
TO | Tonga |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago |
TN | Tunisia |
TR | Turkey |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands |
UG | Uganda |
UA | Ukrainian RSS |
AE | United Arab Emirates |
GB | United Kingdom |
US | United States |
UP | United States Pacific |
HV | Upper Volta |
UY | Uruguay |
VU | Vanuatu |
VA | Vatican City State |
VE | Venezuela |
VN | Viet Nam |
EH | Western Sahara |
YE | Yemen |
YD | Yemen, Democratic |
ZR | Zaire |
ZM | Zambia |
nd | Not defined |
Identify the clinical trial database ID
Is attribute of: ctreg
CT | CT - |
ACTR | ACTR - Australian Clinical Trials Registry |
ISRCTN | ISRCTN - International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register |
NTR | NTR - Nederlands Trial Register |
UMIN | UMIN - University Hospital Medical Information Network |
ChiCTR | ChiCTR - Chinese Clinical Trial Register |
Identify the date in format YYYYMMDD (YYYY = 4 digits for year, 2 digits for month, 2 digits for day)
Is attribute of: accepted, cited, date, received, revised
00000000 | 00000000 |
Identify the repository ID
Is attribute of: deposit
1 | Unicamp |
2 | Unifesp |
3 | Unesp |
4 | USP |
5 | ITA |
6 | UFSCar |
Identify the type of the document
Is attribute of:
ab | abstracts |
ax | annex |
an | announcements |
sc | brief communication |
cr | case report |
ct | clinical trial |
co | comments |
er | correction |
ed | editorial |
in | interview |
le | letter |
mt | methodology |
oa | original article |
pv | point-of-view |
pr | press release |
rc | recount |
rn | research note |
ra | review article |
tr | technical report |
up | update |
Identify the filename of a figure or table or equation
Is attribute of:
Identify the footnote type
Is attribute of: fngrp
abbr | Abbreviations |
com | Communicated-by information |
con | Contributed-by information |
conflict | Conflict of interest statements |
corresp | Corresponding author information not identified separately, but merely footnoted |
current-aff | Contributor’s current affiliation |
deceased | Person has died since article was written |
edited-by | Contributor has the role of an editor |
equal | Contributed equally to the creation of the document |
financial-disclosure | Statement of funding or denial of funds received in support of the research on which an article is based |
on-leave | Contributor is on sabbatical or other leave of absence |
other | Some footnote type, other than those enumerated. |
author | Some footnote type, other than those enumerated, but related to author. |
participating-researchers | Contributor was a researcher for an article |
present-address | Contributor’s current address |
presented-at | Conference, colloquium, or other occasion at which this paper was presented |
presented-by | Contributor who presented the material |
previously-at | Contributor’s previous location or affiliation |
study-group-members | Contributor was a member of the study group for the research |
supplementary-material | Points to or describes supplementary material for the article |
supported-by | Research upon which an article is based was supported by some entity |
Identify the type of the figure
Is attribute of:
audiogram | audiogram |
cardiogram | cardiogram |
cartoon | cartoon |
chart | chart |
chemical structure | chemical structure |
dendrogram | dendrogram |
diagram | diagram |
drawing | drawing |
exihibit | exihibit |
graphic | graphic |
illustration | illustration |
map | map |
medical image | medical image |
other | other |
photo | photo |
photomicrograph | photomicrograph |
plate | plate |
polysomnogram | polysomnogram |
schema | schema |
workflow | workflow |
Identify the permission to comment or not the document
Is attribute of:
0 | people can not comment |
1 | people can comment |
Identify an ID
Is attribute of: aff, afftrans, app, boxedtxt, corresp, deflist, docresp, equation, figgrp, figgrps, fngrp, fntable, media, normaff, ref, response, subart, subdoc, supplmat, tabwrap
nd | No definido |
Identify the Identify type of the ID
Is attribute of: pubid
art-access-id | art-access-id |
coden | coden |
doaj | doaj |
doi | doi |
medline | medline |
manuscript | manuscript |
rrn | rrn |
other | other |
pii | pii |
pmcid | pmcid |
pmid | pmid |
publisher-id | publisher-id |
sici | sici |
Identify the illustrative material type existing in the document
Is attribute of:
nd | no illustrative material |
ilus | figure |
gra | graphic |
map | map |
tab | table |
Identify the indicates the
Is attribute of: keyword
m | main |
s | secondary |
Identify the language
Is attribute of: abstract, docresp, doctitle, keyword, kwdgrp, license, response, subart, subdoc, title, xmlabstr
en | English |
pt | Portuguese |
es | Spanish |
af | Afrikaans |
ar | Arabic |
bg | Bulgarian |
ch | Chinese |
cs | Czech |
da | Danish |
nl | Dutch |
eo | Esperanto |
fr | French |
de | German |
gr | Greek |
he | Hebrew |
hi | Hindi |
hu | Hungarian |
in | Indonesian |
ia | Interlingua |
ie | Interlingue |
it | Italian |
ja | Japanese |
ko | Korean |
la | Latin |
no | Norwergian |
pl | Polish |
ro | Romanian |
ru | Russian |
sa | Sanskrit |
sh | Serbo-Croat |
sk | Slovak |
sn | Slovenian |
sv | Swedish |
tr | Turkish |
uk | Ukrainian |
ur | Urdu |
zz | Other |
gl | Galician |
eu | Basque |
ca | Catalan |
Identify the license type
Is attribute of: license
open-access | open access |
nd | not defined |
Identify the type of the list
Is attribute of: list
order | Ordered list. Prefix character is a number or a letter, depending on style |
bullet | Unordered or bulleted list. Prefix character is a bullet, dash, or other symbol |
alpha-lower | Ordered list. Prefix character is a lowercase alphabetical character |
alpha-upper | Ordered list. Prefix character is an uppercase alphabetical character |
roman-lower | Ordered list. Prefix character is a lowercase roman numeral |
roman-upper | Ordered list. Prefix character is an uppercase roman numeral |
simple | Simple or plain list (No prefix character before each item) |
Identify the product type
Is attribute of: product
book | book |
software | software |
article | article |
chapter | chapter |
website | website |
other | other |
Identify the publication type
Is attribute of:
epub | electronic publication |
ppub | print publication |
Identify the type of the reference
Is attribute of: xref
aff | Affiliation |
app | Appendix |
author-notes | Author notes |
bibr | Bibliographic reference |
boxed-text | Textbox or sidebar |
chem | Chemical structure |
contrib | Contributor |
corresp | Corresponding author |
disp-formula | Display formula |
fig | Figure or group of figures |
fn | Footnote |
kwd | Keyword |
list | List or list item |
other | None of the items listed |
plate | Plate |
scheme | Scheme |
sec | Section |
statement | Statement |
supplementary-material | Supplementary information |
table | Table or group of tables |
Identify the type of relation between documents
Is attribute of:
art-access-id | art-access-id |
coden | coden |
doaj | doaj |
doi | doi |
medline | medline |
manuscript | manuscript |
rrn | rrn |
other | other |
pii | pii |
pmcid | pmcid |
pmid | pmid |
publisher-id | publisher-id |
sici | sici |
Identify the type of the related document
Is attribute of:
unknown |
unknown-object | – objects – |
vi | video |
au | audio |
table | table |
figure | figure |
other-object | other object |
unknown-source | – sources – |
book | book |
book chapter | book chapter |
database | database |
article | article |
pr | press release |
other-source | other source |
unknown-related-type | – related types – |
addended-article | addended-article |
addendum | addendum |
commentary-article | commentary-article |
object-of-concern | object-of-concern |
companion | companion |
corrected-article | corrected-article |
letter | letter |
retracted-article | retracted-article |
peer-reviewed-article | peer-reviewed-article |
peer-review | peer-review |
other-related-type | other related type |
Identify the response type
Is attribute of: docresp, response
addendum | addendum |
discussion | discussion |
reply | reply |
Identify an reference to an ID
Is attribute of: author, sig, xref
nd | No definido |
Identify the Role of the author
Is attribute of: author, authors, oauthor, sig, subresp
nd | Not defined |
coord | coordinator |
ed | publisher |
org | organizer |
tr | translator |
Identify the controlled vocabulary
Is attribute of: keygrp
nd | No Descriptor |
decs | Health Science Descriptors |
Identify the type of the section
Is attribute of: sec
nd | undefined |
materials|methods |
results|discussion |
results|conclusions |
results|discussion|conclusions |
cases | Cases/Case Reports |
conclusions | Conclusions/Comment |
discussion | Discussion/Interpretation |
intro | Introduction/Synopsis |
materials | Materials |
methods | Methods/Methodology/Procedures |
results | Results/Statement of Findings |
subjects | Subjects/Participants/Patients |
supplementary-material | Supplementary materials |
Identify the year as presented in the reference. E.g.: 2005, c1900 (about 1900), 1800a, etc.
Is attribute of: date
Identify the standard adopted by the journal
Is attribute of: abnt6023, apa, iso690, other, vancouv
iso690 | iso 690/87 - international standard organization |
nbr6023 | nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas |
other | other standard |
vancouv | the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals |
apa | American Psychological Association |
Identify the type of the sub-article
Is attribute of: subart, subdoc
translation | translation |
abstract | abstract |
addendum | addendum |
announcement | announcement |
article-commentary | article-commentary |
book-review | book-review |
books-received | books-received |
brief-report | brief-report |
calendar | calendar |
case-report | case-report |
collection | collection |
correction | correction |
discussion | discussion |
dissertation | dissertation |
editorial | editorial |
in-brief | in-brief |
introduction | introduction |
letter | letter |
meeting-report | meeting-report |
news | news |
obituary | obituary |
oration | oration |
partial-retraction | partial-retraction |
procut-review | procut-review |
rapid-communication | rapid-communication |
reply | reply |
reprint | reprint |
research-article | research-article |
retraction | retraction |
review-article | review-article |
Identify the indicates whether the text title is present on the table of contents (title) or not (sectitle)
Is attribute of:
1 | title |
2 | sectitle |
Identify the version of the document
Is attribute of:
3.1 | 3.1 |
4.0 | 4.0 |