.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 SciELO Markup Elements and Attributes ===================================== Automations ........... *author ------- Automatic identification of `author`_ Identify automatically one author *authors -------- Automatic identification of `authors`_ Identify automatically a group of authors in the references *boxedtxt --------- Automatic identification of `boxedtxt`_ Identify automatically boxed text *deflist -------- Automatic identification of `deflist`_ Identify automatically a list of definitions *fn --- Automatic identification of `fn`_ Identify all the footnotes and its links *kwdgrp ------- Automatic identification of `kwdgrp`_ Identify automatically more than one key word *list ----- Automatic identification of `list`_ Identify automatically a list *oauthor -------- Automatic identification of `oauthor`_ Identify automatically one oauthor *pauthor -------- Automatic identification of `pauthor`_ Identify automatically a (person) author: surname and fname *publoc-pubname --------------- Automatic identification of `publoc-pubname`_ Identify automatically publisher location and name *pubname-publoc --------------- Automatic identification of `pubname-publoc`_ Identify automatically publisher name and location *sertitle --------- Automatic identification of `sertitle`_ Identify all the journal titles which match with the selected text. *source ------- Automatic identification of `source`_ Identify automatically the document source (book title, journal title, etc) *stitle ------- Automatic identification of `stitle`_ Identify all the journal titles which match with the selected text. Elements ........ abnt6023 -------- Element Group the elements of references which are according to NBR 6023/89 of ABNT Contained in: `back`_ Contains: `acitat`_ Attributes: `standard `_, `count `_ abstract -------- Element Identify the abstract of the article Contained in: `bbibcom`_, `bibcom`_, `subdoc`_ Attributes: `language `_ accepted -------- Element Identify the date in which the article was accepted to publish Contained in: `hist`_ Attributes: `dateiso `_ acitat ------ Element Identify a bibliography reference Contained in: `abnt6023`_ Contains: `acontrib`_, `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `confgrp`_, `no`_ Attributes: none ack --- Element Group the elements of acknowledgment Contained in: `back`_, `doc`_, `docresp`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `p`_, `sectitle`_ Attributes: none acontrib -------- Element Group the elements of a contribution Contained in: `acitat`_ Contains: `*author`_, `author`_, `corpauth`_, `et-al`_, `pages`_, `patgrp`_, `subtitle`_, `title`_, `volid`_ Attributes: none aff --- Element Identify the organization to which the author is affiliated Contained in: `front`_, `text`_ Contains: `city`_, `country`_, `email`_, `label`_, `role`_, `state`_, `zipcode`_ Attributes: `id `_, `orgname `_, `orgdiv1 `_, `orgdiv2 `_, `orgdiv3 `_ afftrans -------- Element Identify in subdoc the organization to which the author is affiliated Contained in: `subdoc`_ Contains: `label`_ Attributes: `id `_ aiserial -------- Element Group the elements of a serial publication Contained in: `acitat`_ Contains: `*sertitle`_, `*stitle`_, `cited`_, `city`_, `country`_, `date`_, `doi`_, `extent`_, `issn`_, `isstitle`_, `issueno`_, `notes`_, `pages`_, `pubid`_, `pubname`_, `sertitle`_, `state`_, `stitle`_, `suppl`_, `url`_, `volid`_ Attributes: none alttext ------- Element Identify an alternative text for a graphic or figure Contained in: `figgrp`_, `graphic`_ Attributes: none alttitle -------- Element Identify an alternative title for the document title Contained in: `doctitle`_ Attributes: none amonog ------ Element Group the elements of a monograph Contained in: `acitat`_ Contains: `*author`_, `author`_, `cited`_, `city`_, `coltitle`_, `colvolid`_, `confgrp`_, `corpauth`_, `country`_, `date`_, `doi`_, `edition`_, `et-al`_, `extent`_, `isbn`_, `notes`_, `pages`_, `part`_, `patgrp`_, `pubid`_, `pubname`_, `report`_, `state`_, `subresp`_, `subtitle`_, `thesis`_, `title`_, `tome`_, `url`_, `volid`_ Attributes: none anonym ------ Element Identify anonymous authorship Contained in: `oauthor`_ Attributes: none apa --- Element Group the elements of references which are according to APA Contained in: `back`_ Contains: `pcitat`_ Attributes: `standard `_, `count `_ app --- Element Identify the appendix Contained in: `appgrp`_, `docresp`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `p`_, `sec`_, `sectitle`_ Attributes: `id `_ appgrp ------ Element Identify a group of appendixes Contained in: `back`_, `doc`_ Contains: `app`_ Attributes: none article ------- Element Identify the article Contained in: `start`_ Contains: `back`_, `body`_, `deposit`_, `front`_, `response`_, `subart`_, `xmlbody`_ Attributes: none arttitle -------- Element Identify the article title in a reference Contained in: `ref`_ Attributes: none attrib ------ Element Identify information concerning the origin of an extract, display quote, poetry, or similar element. Contained in: `figgrp`_, `versegrp`_ Attributes: none authgrp ------- Element Group the authors of the document Contained in: `front`_, `text`_ Contains: `author`_, `corpauth`_, `onbehalf`_ Attributes: none authid ------ Element Attributes: `authidtp `_ author ------ Element Group the elements of the author, such as name, last name and role Contained in: `acontrib`_, `amonog`_, `authgrp`_, `doc`_, `docresp`_, `icontrib`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `pcontrib`_, `pmonog`_, `subdoc`_, `vcontrib`_, `vmonog`_ Contains: `fname`_, `previous`_, `role`_, `surname`_, `surname-fname`_ Attributes: `role `_, `rid `_, `corresp `_, `deceased `_, `eqcontr `_ authors ------- Element Group of authors in the references Contained in: `product`_, `ref`_ Contains: `*pauthor`_, `cauthor`_, `et-al`_, `pauthor`_ Attributes: `role `_ award ----- Element Group the contract and funding sources Contained in: `funding`_ Contains: `contract`_, `fundsrc`_ Attributes: none awarded ------- Element Contains: `fname`_, `orgdiv`_, `orgname`_, `surname`_, `surname-fname`_ Attributes: none back ---- Element Identify the back part of the document Contained in: `article`_, `response`_, `subart`_, `text`_ Contains: `abnt6023`_, `ack`_, `apa`_, `appgrp`_, `bbibcom`_, `fngrp`_, `glossary`_, `iso690`_, `licenses`_, `other`_, `vancouv`_ Attributes: none bbibcom ------- Element Group other elements that are in the back Contained in: `back`_ Contains: `abstract`_, `confgrp`_, `hist`_, `keygrp`_, `report`_, `thesgrp`_ Attributes: none bibcom ------ Element Group other elements that are in front Contained in: `front`_ Contains: `abstract`_, `confgrp`_, `hist`_, `keygrp`_, `report`_, `thesgrp`_, `xmlabstr`_ Attributes: none body ---- Element Identify the body of the document, without details Contained in: `article`_ Attributes: none boxedtxt -------- Element Identify a boxed text Contained in: `ifloat`_ Contains: `p`_, `sec`_ Attributes: `id `_ caption ------- Element Identify the caption Contained in: `figgrp`_, `figgrps`_, `supplmat`_, `tabwrap`_ Attributes: none cauthor ------- Element Identify corporative author Contained in: `authors`_ Attributes: none chptitle -------- Element Identify the chapter title in a reference Contained in: `product`_, `ref`_ Attributes: none cited ----- Element Identify the date in which the article was accessed Contained in: `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `piserial`_, `pmonog`_, `ref`_, `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: `dateiso `_ city ---- Element Identify the city Contained in: `aff`_, `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `confgrp`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `normaff`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `pmonog`_, `thesgrp`_, `thesis`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none cltrial ------- Element Group the elements of a clinical trial Contained in: `ifloat`_ Contains: `ctreg`_ Attributes: none coltitle -------- Element Identify the title of a collection Contained in: `amonog`_, `imonog`_, `omonog`_, `pmonog`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none colvolid -------- Element Identify the volume of a collection Contained in: `amonog`_, `pmonog`_ Attributes: none confgrp ------- Element Group the elements of a conference Contained in: `acitat`_, `amonog`_, `bbibcom`_, `bibcom`_, `ocitat`_, `omonog`_, `pmonog`_, `ref`_, `vmonog`_ Contains: `city`_, `confname`_, `country`_, `date`_, `no`_, `sponsor`_, `state`_ Attributes: none confname -------- Element Identify the conference name Contained in: `confgrp`_ Attributes: none contract -------- Element Identify the contract/project number given by the sponsor Contained in: `award`_, `ref`_, `report`_, `rsponsor`_ Attributes: none corpauth -------- Element Identify the corporative author Contained in: `acontrib`_, `amonog`_, `authgrp`_, `doc`_, `docresp`_, `icontrib`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `pcontrib`_, `pmonog`_, `subdoc`_, `vcontrib`_, `vmonog`_ Contains: `orgdiv`_, `orgname`_, `previous`_ Attributes: none corresp ------- Element Contained in: `ifloat`_ Contains: `email`_ Attributes: `id `_ country ------- Element Identify the country Contained in: `aff`_, `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `confgrp`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `normaff`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `pmonog`_, `thesgrp`_, `thesis`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none ctreg ----- Element Identify the clinical trial number Contained in: `cltrial`_ Attributes: `cturl `_, `ctdbid `_ date ---- Element Identify the date related to the context (publication, conference, patent registration, etc) Contained in: `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `confgrp`_, `icontrib`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `ocontrib`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `patgrp`_, `pcontrib`_, `pmonog`_, `product`_, `ref`_, `thesgrp`_, `thesis`_, `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: `dateiso `_, `specyear `_ def --- Element Identify the definition of a term Contained in: `defitem`_ Attributes: none defitem ------- Element Identify an item of a list of definitions Contained in: `deflist`_ Contains: `def`_, `term`_ Attributes: none deflist ------- Element Identify a list of definitions Contained in: `deflist`_, `glossary`_, `ifloat`_, `xmlbody`_ Contains: `*deflist`_, `defitem`_, `deflist`_, `sectitle`_ Attributes: `id `_ degree ------ Element Identify the degree of the thesis, such as Master, Doctor etc Contained in: `thesgrp`_, `thesis`_ Attributes: none deposit ------- Element Identify the date of deposit in the repository Contained in: `article`_ Attributes: `deposid `_, `entrdate `_, `embdate `_ doc --- Element Group the data of a document (for XML generation) Contained in: `start`_ Contains: `*kwdgrp`_, `ack`_, `appgrp`_, `author`_, `corpauth`_, `docresp`_, `doctitle`_, `doi`_, `fngrp`_, `glossary`_, `hist`_, `kwdgrp`_, `normaff`_, `onbehalf`_, `refs`_, `related`_, `subdoc`_, `toctitle`_, `xmlabstr`_, `xmlbody`_ Attributes: none docresp ------- Element Group the response data Contained in: `doc`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `*kwdgrp`_, `ack`_, `app`_, `author`_, `corpauth`_, `doctitle`_, `doi`_, `fngrp`_, `glossary`_, `hist`_, `kwdgrp`_, `onbehalf`_, `refs`_, `related`_, `toctitle`_, `xmlabstr`_, `xmlbody`_ Attributes: `id `_, `resptp `_, `language `_ doctit ------ Element Identify the document title in a reference Attributes: none doctitle -------- Element Identify the title of the document Contained in: `doc`_, `docresp`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `alttitle`_, `subtitle`_ Attributes: `language `_ doi --- Element Identify the DOI Contained in: `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `doc`_, `docresp`_, `front`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `piserial`_, `pmonog`_, `subdoc`_, `text`_, `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none dperiod ------- Element Identify the período of time tratado at the content of the document Attributes: `from `_, `to `_ edition ------- Element Identify the edition number Contained in: `amonog`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `omonog`_, `pmonog`_, `ref`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none elemattr -------- Element Identify any attribute of XML Contained in: `element`_ Attributes: `name `_, `value `_ element ------- Element Identify any element of XML Contained in: `ifloat`_ Contains: `elemattr`_ Attributes: `name `_ email ----- Element Electronic address of the author Contained in: `aff`_, `corresp`_, `normaff`_ Attributes: none equation -------- Element Identify the elements of a equation Contained in: `ifloat`_ Contains: `graphic`_, `label`_, `mmlmath`_, `texmath`_ Attributes: `id `_ et-al ----- Element Indicate non cited authors Contained in: `acontrib`_, `amonog`_, `authors`_, `icontrib`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `ocontrib`_, `omonog`_, `vcontrib`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none extent ------ Element Identify the extension of the document (number of pages) Contained in: `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `imonog`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `product`_, `ref`_, `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none figgrp ------ Element Group the elements of a figure Contained in: `figgrps`_, `ifloat`_ Contains: `alttext`_, `attrib`_, `caption`_, `graphic`_, `label`_ Attributes: `id `_ figgrps ------- Element Group a group of figures (Fig 1A, 1B,...) Contained in: `ifloat`_ Contains: `caption`_, `figgrp`_, `label`_ Attributes: `id `_ fname ----- Element Identify the first names of an individual author Contained in: `author`_, `awarded`_, `oauthor`_, `pauthor`_, `sig`_, `subresp`_ Attributes: none fngrp ----- Element Group the elements of a footnote Contained in: `back`_, `doc`_, `docresp`_, `ifloat`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `funding`_, `label`_ Attributes: `id `_, `fntype `_, `label `_ fntable ------- Element Contained in: `tabwrap`_ Contains: `label`_ Attributes: `id `_ found-at -------- Element Identify the location of the letter Attributes: none front ----- Element Identify the front of a document Contained in: `article`_, `response`_, `subart`_ Contains: `aff`_, `authgrp`_, `bibcom`_, `doi`_, `related`_, `titlegrp`_, `toctitle`_ Attributes: none funding ------- Element Group the data related to funding Contained in: `fngrp`_, `p`_ Contains: `award`_ Attributes: none fundsrc ------- Element Identify the funding source Contained in: `award`_ Attributes: none glossary -------- Element Identify a glossary Contained in: `back`_, `doc`_, `docresp`_, `glossary`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `*deflist`_, `deflist`_, `glossary`_, `label`_, `sectitle`_ Attributes: none graphic ------- Element Identify an image Contained in: `equation`_, `figgrp`_, `ifloat`_, `tabwrap`_ Contains: `alttext`_ Attributes: `href `_ hist ---- Element Identify the history of an article (received and accepted dates) Contained in: `bbibcom`_, `bibcom`_, `doc`_, `docresp`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `accepted`_, `received`_, `revised`_ Attributes: none icitat ------ Element Identify a reference in ISO 690/87 Contained in: `iso690`_ Contains: `icontrib`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `no`_ Attributes: none icontrib -------- Element Group the elements of contribution Contained in: `icitat`_ Contains: `*author`_, `author`_, `corpauth`_, `date`_, `et-al`_, `subresp`_, `subtitle`_, `title`_ Attributes: none ifloat ------ Element Contains: `*boxedtxt`_, `*deflist`_, `*fn`_, `*list`_, `boxedtxt`_, `cltrial`_, `corresp`_, `deflist`_, `element`_, `equation`_, `figgrp`_, `figgrps`_, `fngrp`_, `graphic`_, `ign`_, `list`_, `media`_, `product`_, `quote`_, `related`_, `supplmat`_, `tabwrap`_, `uri`_, `versegrp`_, `xref`_ Attributes: none ign --- Element Ignored text Contained in: `ifloat`_ Attributes: none iiserial -------- Element Group the elements of serial Contained in: `icitat`_ Contains: `*author`_, `*sertitle`_, `*stitle`_, `author`_, `cited`_, `city`_, `corpauth`_, `country`_, `date`_, `doi`_, `edition`_, `et-al`_, `isdesig`_, `issn`_, `isstitle`_, `issueno`_, `medium`_, `notes`_, `pages`_, `pubid`_, `pubname`_, `sertitle`_, `state`_, `stitle`_, `update`_, `url`_, `volid`_ Attributes: none imonog ------ Element Group the elements of monograph Contained in: `icitat`_ Contains: `*author`_, `author`_, `cited`_, `city`_, `coltitle`_, `corpauth`_, `country`_, `date`_, `doi`_, `edition`_, `et-al`_, `extent`_, `isbn`_, `medium`_, `notes`_, `pages`_, `part`_, `patgrp`_, `pubid`_, `pubname`_, `report`_, `state`_, `subresp`_, `subtitle`_, `title`_, `update`_, `url`_, `volid`_ Attributes: none inpress ------- Element Identify the document is in press status Contained in: `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none isbn ---- Element Identify the Internacional Standard Book Number (ISBN) Contained in: `amonog`_, `imonog`_, `omonog`_, `product`_, `ref`_ Attributes: none isdesig ------- Element Identify the main dates of a collection, for instance, the initial date of the collection Contained in: `iiserial`_ Attributes: none iso690 ------ Element Group the elements of bibliography references which are according to ISO 690/87 Contained in: `back`_ Contains: `icitat`_ Attributes: `standard `_, `count `_ issn ---- Element Identify the Internacional Standard Serial Number (ISSN) Contained in: `aiserial`_, `iiserial`_, `oiserial`_, `ref`_ Attributes: none isstitle -------- Element Identify the title of an issue number Contained in: `aiserial`_, `iiserial`_, `oiserial`_ Attributes: none issueno ------- Element Identify the issue number Contained in: `aiserial`_, `iiserial`_, `oiserial`_, `piserial`_, `ref`_, `viserial`_ Attributes: none keygrp ------ Element Group the key words of a document Contained in: `bbibcom`_, `bibcom`_ Contains: `keyword`_ Attributes: `scheme `_ keyword ------- Element Identify a key word of the document Contained in: `keygrp`_ Attributes: `keyword priority level `_, `language `_ kwd --- Element Identify a keyword Contained in: `kwdgrp`_ Attributes: none kwdgrp ------ Element Group the key words related to one language Contained in: `doc`_, `docresp`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `kwd`_, `sectitle`_ Attributes: `language `_ label ----- Element Identify a label Contained in: `aff`_, `afftrans`_, `equation`_, `figgrp`_, `figgrps`_, `fngrp`_, `fntable`_, `glossary`_, `li`_, `normaff`_, `ref`_, `supplmat`_, `tabwrap`_, `versegrp`_ Attributes: none letterto -------- Element Identify the recipient of the letter Attributes: none li -- Element Identify an item of a list Contained in: `list`_ Contains: `label`_ Attributes: none license ------- Element Identify the text of a license Contained in: `licenses`_ Contains: `licensep`_ Attributes: `language `_, `lictype `_, `href `_ licensep -------- Element Identify the paragraph of a license Contained in: `license`_ Attributes: none licenses -------- Element Group the elements of a license Contained in: `back`_ Contains: `license`_ Attributes: none list ---- Element Identify a list Contained in: `ifloat`_ Contains: `li`_ Attributes: `listtype `_ media ----- Element Contained in: `ifloat`_ Attributes: `id `_, `href `_ medium ------ Element Identify the format of the media in which the document is published Contained in: `iiserial`_, `imonog`_ Attributes: none mmlmath ------- Element Math (MathML 2.0 Tag Set) Contained in: `equation`_ Attributes: none moreinfo -------- Element Identify any other information to which there is no tag to identify it. Use the descript attribute to describe the data Contained in: `product`_, `ref`_ Attributes: none no -- Element Identify the number Contained in: `acitat`_, `confgrp`_, `icitat`_, `ocitat`_, `pcitat`_, `report`_, `vcitat`_ Attributes: none normaff ------- Element Identify normalized affiliation Contained in: `doc`_ Contains: `city`_, `country`_, `email`_, `label`_, `orgdiv1`_, `orgdiv2`_, `orgname`_, `role`_, `state`_ Attributes: `id `_, `ncountry `_, `norgname `_, `icountry `_ notes ----- Element Identify notes Contained in: `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `pmonog`_ Attributes: none oauthor ------- Element Group the elements of an individual author Contained in: `ocontrib`_, `omonog`_ Contains: `anonym`_, `fname`_, `previous`_, `surname`_, `surname-fname`_ Attributes: `role `_ ocitat ------ Element Identify a reference Contained in: `other`_ Contains: `confgrp`_, `no`_, `ocontrib`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_ Attributes: none ocontrib -------- Element Group the elements of a contribution Contained in: `ocitat`_ Contains: `*oauthor`_, `date`_, `et-al`_, `oauthor`_, `ocorpaut`_, `pages`_, `patgrp`_, `subtitle`_, `title`_ Attributes: none ocorpaut -------- Element Identify a corporative author Contained in: `ocontrib`_, `omonog`_ Contains: `orgdiv`_, `orgname`_, `previous`_ Attributes: none oiserial -------- Element Group the elements of serial Contained in: `ocitat`_ Contains: `*sertitle`_, `*stitle`_, `cited`_, `city`_, `country`_, `date`_, `doi`_, `extent`_, `issn`_, `isstitle`_, `issueno`_, `othinfo`_, `pages`_, `pubid`_, `pubname`_, `sertitle`_, `stitle`_, `suppl`_, `url`_, `volid`_ Attributes: none omonog ------ Element Group the elements of monograph Contained in: `ocitat`_ Contains: `*oauthor`_, `cited`_, `city`_, `coltitle`_, `confgrp`_, `country`_, `date`_, `doi`_, `edition`_, `et-al`_, `extent`_, `isbn`_, `oauthor`_, `ocorpaut`_, `othinfo`_, `pages`_, `part`_, `patgrp`_, `pubid`_, `pubname`_, `report`_, `state`_, `subtitle`_, `thesis`_, `title`_, `url`_, `volid`_ Attributes: none onbehalf -------- Element Identify the institution which the contributor represents. Example: John Smith on behalf of Instituition ABCD Contained in: `authgrp`_, `doc`_, `docresp`_, `subdoc`_ Attributes: none orgdiv ------ Element Identify the division of an institution Contained in: `awarded`_, `corpauth`_, `ocorpaut`_, `rsponsor`_, `sponsor`_, `thesgrp`_, `thesis`_ Attributes: none orgdiv1 ------- Element Identify organization division 1 Contained in: `normaff`_ Attributes: none orgdiv2 ------- Element Identify organization division 2 Contained in: `normaff`_ Attributes: none orgname ------- Element Identify the name of an institution Contained in: `awarded`_, `corpauth`_, `normaff`_, `ocorpaut`_, `patgrp`_, `rsponsor`_, `sponsor`_, `thesgrp`_, `thesis`_ Attributes: none other ----- Element Group the elements of bibliography references which are not according to any adopted standard Contained in: `back`_ Contains: `ocitat`_ Attributes: `standard `_, `count `_ othinfo ------- Element Group any other information Contained in: `oiserial`_, `omonog`_ Attributes: none p - Element Identify a paragraph Contained in: `ack`_, `app`_, `boxedtxt`_, `sec`_, `subsec`_, `xmlabstr`_, `xmlbody`_ Contains: `funding`_ Attributes: none pages ----- Element Identify the pagination Contained in: `acontrib`_, `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `ocontrib`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `piserial`_, `pmonog`_, `ref`_, `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none part ---- Element Identify the part of the volume/issue number Contained in: `amonog`_, `imonog`_, `omonog`_, `pmonog`_, `ref`_, `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none patent ------ Element Identify the number of the patent Contained in: `patgrp`_ Attributes: none patentno -------- Element Identify the number of the patent Contained in: `ref`_ Attributes: `country `_ patgrp ------ Element Group the elements of patent Contained in: `acontrib`_, `amonog`_, `imonog`_, `ocontrib`_, `omonog`_, `vcontrib`_, `vmonog`_ Contains: `date`_, `orgname`_, `patent`_ Attributes: `country `_ pauthor ------- Element Identify a (person) author Contained in: `authors`_ Contains: `fname`_, `surname`_, `surname-fname`_ Attributes: none pcitat ------ Element Identify a bibliography reference Contained in: `apa`_ Contains: `no`_, `pcontrib`_, `piserial`_, `pmonog`_ Attributes: none pcontrib -------- Element Group the elements of contribution Contained in: `pcitat`_ Contains: `*author`_, `author`_, `corpauth`_, `date`_, `subtitle`_, `title`_ Attributes: none piserial -------- Element Group the elements of serial Contained in: `pcitat`_ Contains: `*sertitle`_, `cited`_, `doi`_, `issueno`_, `pages`_, `pubid`_, `sertitle`_, `suppl`_, `url`_, `volid`_ Attributes: none pmonog ------ Element Group the elements of monograph Contained in: `pcitat`_ Contains: `*author`_, `author`_, `cited`_, `city`_, `coltitle`_, `colvolid`_, `confgrp`_, `corpauth`_, `country`_, `date`_, `doi`_, `edition`_, `notes`_, `pages`_, `part`_, `pubid`_, `pubname`_, `report`_, `state`_, `subtitle`_, `thesis`_, `title`_, `url`_, `volid`_ Attributes: none previous -------- Element Identify the author is the same author of the previous reference Contained in: `author`_, `corpauth`_, `oauthor`_, `ocorpaut`_ Attributes: none product ------- Element Contained in: `ifloat`_ Contains: `authors`_, `chptitle`_, `date`_, `extent`_, `isbn`_, `moreinfo`_, `publoc`_, `pubname`_, `series`_, `source`_ Attributes: `prodtype `_ projname -------- Element Identify the name of the project Contained in: `report`_ Attributes: none pubid ----- Element Identify an id of any external database, such as DOI, pmid (PubMed), pmcid (PMC), etc Contained in: `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `piserial`_, `pmonog`_, `ref`_, `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: `idtype `_ publoc ------ Element Identify the publisher location Contained in: `product`_, `ref`_ Attributes: none pubname ------- Element Identify the publisher Contained in: `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `pmonog`_, `product`_, `ref`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none quote ----- Element Contained in: `ifloat`_ Attributes: none received -------- Element Identify the date in which the article was received by peer review system Contained in: `hist`_ Attributes: `dateiso `_ ref --- Element Group the reference elements Contained in: `refs`_ Contains: `*authors`_, `*publoc-pubname`_, `*pubname-publoc`_, `*source`_, `arttitle`_, `authors`_, `chptitle`_, `cited`_, `confgrp`_, `contract`_, `date`_, `edition`_, `extent`_, `isbn`_, `issn`_, `issueno`_, `label`_, `moreinfo`_, `pages`_, `part`_, `patentno`_, `pubid`_, `publoc`_, `pubname`_, `reportid`_, `series`_, `source`_, `suppl`_, `text-ref`_, `thesgrp`_, `url`_, `volid`_ Attributes: `id `_, `reftype `_ refs ---- Element Group the references Contained in: `doc`_, `docresp`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `ref`_, `sectitle`_ Attributes: none related ------- Element Identify related documents Contained in: `doc`_, `docresp`_, `front`_, `ifloat`_, `subdoc`_ Attributes: `reltp `_, `pid-doi `_ report ------ Element Group the elements of funding Contained in: `amonog`_, `bbibcom`_, `bibcom`_, `imonog`_, `omonog`_, `pmonog`_, `vmonog`_ Contains: `contract`_, `no`_, `projname`_, `rsponsor`_ Attributes: none reportid -------- Element Identify the number or name of the report Contained in: `ref`_ Attributes: none response -------- Element Group the elements of a response to an article Contained in: `article`_, `subart`_ Contains: `back`_, `front`_, `xmlbody`_ Attributes: `id `_, `resptp `_, `language `_ revised ------- Element Identify the date in which the article was revised by peer review system Contained in: `hist`_ Attributes: `dateiso `_ role ---- Element Identify the role of the author Contained in: `aff`_, `author`_, `normaff`_, `sigblock`_ Attributes: none rsponsor -------- Element Identify the sponsor or funding institution Contained in: `report`_ Contains: `contract`_, `orgdiv`_, `orgname`_ Attributes: none sciname ------- Element Identify scientific names Attributes: none sec --- Element Identify a section Contained in: `app`_, `boxedtxt`_, `xmlabstr`_, `xmlbody`_ Contains: `p`_, `sectitle`_, `subsec`_ Attributes: `sec-type `_ sectitle -------- Element Identify a section title Contained in: `ack`_, `app`_, `deflist`_, `glossary`_, `kwdgrp`_, `refs`_, `sec`_, `subsec`_, `xmlabstr`_ Attributes: none series ------ Element Identify series Contained in: `product`_, `ref`_ Attributes: none sertitle -------- Element Identify the journal title Contained in: `aiserial`_, `iiserial`_, `oiserial`_, `piserial`_ Attributes: none sig --- Element Contained in: `sigblock`_ Contains: `fname`_, `surname`_, `surname-fname`_ Attributes: `rid `_, `role `_ sigblock -------- Element Contained in: `xmlbody`_ Contains: `role`_, `sig`_ Attributes: none source ------ Element Identify the document source (book title, journal title, etc) Contained in: `product`_, `ref`_ Attributes: none sponsor ------- Element Identify the sponsor or funding institution Contained in: `confgrp`_ Contains: `orgdiv`_, `orgname`_ Attributes: none start ----- Element Contains: `article`_, `doc`_, `text`_ Attributes: none state ----- Element Identify the state/region Contained in: `aff`_, `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `confgrp`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `normaff`_, `omonog`_, `pmonog`_, `thesgrp`_, `thesis`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none stitle ------ Element Identify the short title of a journal Contained in: `aiserial`_, `iiserial`_, `oiserial`_, `vstitle`_ Attributes: none subart ------ Element Identify the text which is related to the article Contained in: `article`_, `subart`_ Contains: `back`_, `front`_, `response`_, `subart`_, `xmlbody`_ Attributes: `id `_, `subarttp `_, `language `_ subdoc ------ Element Group the sub-document data Contained in: `doc`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `*kwdgrp`_, `abstract`_, `ack`_, `afftrans`_, `app`_, `author`_, `corpauth`_, `docresp`_, `doctitle`_, `doi`_, `fngrp`_, `glossary`_, `hist`_, `kwdgrp`_, `onbehalf`_, `refs`_, `related`_, `subdoc`_, `toctitle`_, `xmlabstr`_, `xmlbody`_ Attributes: `id `_, `subarttp `_, `language `_ subkey ------ Element Identify the subkey of a key word Attributes: none subresp ------- Element Identify the secondary responsabilities Contained in: `amonog`_, `icontrib`_, `imonog`_ Contains: `fname`_, `surname`_, `surname-fname`_ Attributes: `role `_ subsec ------ Element Identify a sub-section Contained in: `sec`_ Contains: `p`_, `sectitle`_ Attributes: none subtitle -------- Element Identify the subtitle Contained in: `acontrib`_, `amonog`_, `doctitle`_, `icontrib`_, `imonog`_, `ocontrib`_, `omonog`_, `pcontrib`_, `pmonog`_, `titlegrp`_, `vtitle`_ Attributes: none suppl ----- Element Identify the supplement Contained in: `aiserial`_, `oiserial`_, `piserial`_, `ref`_, `viserial`_ Attributes: none supplmat -------- Element Contained in: `ifloat`_ Contains: `caption`_, `label`_ Attributes: `id `_, `href `_ surname ------- Element Identify the last name Contained in: `author`_, `awarded`_, `oauthor`_, `pauthor`_, `sig`_, `subresp`_ Attributes: none surname-fname ------------- Element Identify surname and fname of one author (surname separator fname or fname separator surname) Contained in: `author`_, `awarded`_, `oauthor`_, `pauthor`_, `sig`_, `subresp`_ Attributes: none table ----- Element Contained in: `tabwrap`_ Contains: `tr`_ Attributes: none tabwrap ------- Element Group the elements of a table Contained in: `ifloat`_ Contains: `caption`_, `fntable`_, `graphic`_, `label`_, `table`_ Attributes: `id `_ td -- Element Contained in: `tr`_ Attributes: `align `_, `colspan `_, `rowspan `_ term ---- Element Identify a term Contained in: `defitem`_ Attributes: none texmath ------- Element Identify a formula using Tex Math Equation Contained in: `equation`_ Attributes: none text ---- Element Identify a text Contained in: `start`_ Contains: `aff`_, `authgrp`_, `back`_, `doi`_, `titlegrp`_ Attributes: none text-ref -------- Element Identify the original form of the reference Contained in: `ref`_ Attributes: none th -- Element Contained in: `tr`_ Attributes: `align `_, `colspan `_, `rowspan `_ thesgrp ------- Element Group the elements of a thesis Contained in: `bbibcom`_, `bibcom`_, `ref`_ Contains: `city`_, `country`_, `date`_, `degree`_, `orgdiv`_, `orgname`_, `state`_ Attributes: none thesis ------ Element Group the elements of a thesis Contained in: `amonog`_, `omonog`_, `pmonog`_, `vmonog`_ Contains: `city`_, `country`_, `date`_, `degree`_, `orgdiv`_, `orgname`_, `state`_ Attributes: none title ----- Element Identify the title of the document Contained in: `acontrib`_, `amonog`_, `icontrib`_, `imonog`_, `ocontrib`_, `omonog`_, `pcontrib`_, `pmonog`_, `titlegrp`_, `vtitle`_ Attributes: `language `_ titlegrp -------- Element Group the titles of the document Contained in: `front`_, `text`_ Contains: `subtitle`_, `title`_ Attributes: none toctitle -------- Element Identify the TOC section title. It is mandatory to the generation of XML files. Contained in: `doc`_, `docresp`_, `front`_, `subdoc`_ Attributes: none tome ---- Element Identify the tome of a publication Contained in: `amonog`_ Attributes: none tp -- Element Identify the type of publication Contained in: `vstitle`_, `vtitle`_ Attributes: none tr -- Element Contained in: `table`_ Contains: `td`_, `th`_ Attributes: none update ------ Element Identify the information of update Contained in: `iiserial`_, `imonog`_ Attributes: none uri --- Element Identify an uri Contained in: `ifloat`_ Attributes: `href `_ url --- Element Identify the electronic address of the document Contained in: `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `piserial`_, `pmonog`_, `ref`_, `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none vancouv ------- Element Group the elements of bibliography references which are according to Vancouver Contained in: `back`_ Contains: `vcitat`_ Attributes: `standard `_, `count `_ vcitat ------ Element Identify a bibliography reference Contained in: `vancouv`_ Contains: `no`_, `vcontrib`_, `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none vcontrib -------- Element Group the elements of contribution Contained in: `vcitat`_ Contains: `*author`_, `author`_, `corpauth`_, `et-al`_, `patgrp`_, `vtitle`_ Attributes: none versegrp -------- Element Identify song, poem, or verse Contained in: `ifloat`_, `versegrp`_ Contains: `attrib`_, `label`_, `versegrp`_, `versline`_ Attributes: none version ------- Element Identify the version Contained in: `vmonog`_ Attributes: none versline -------- Element Identify a song, poem, or verse line Contained in: `versegrp`_ Attributes: none viserial -------- Element Group the elements of serial Contained in: `vcitat`_ Contains: `cited`_, `date`_, `doi`_, `extent`_, `inpress`_, `issueno`_, `pages`_, `part`_, `pubid`_, `suppl`_, `url`_, `volid`_, `vstitle`_ Attributes: none vmonog ------ Element Group the elements of monograph Contained in: `vcitat`_ Contains: `*author`_, `author`_, `cited`_, `city`_, `coltitle`_, `confgrp`_, `corpauth`_, `country`_, `date`_, `doi`_, `edition`_, `et-al`_, `extent`_, `inpress`_, `pages`_, `part`_, `patgrp`_, `pubid`_, `pubname`_, `report`_, `state`_, `thesis`_, `url`_, `version`_, `volid`_, `vtitle`_ Attributes: none volid ----- Element Identify the volume Contained in: `acontrib`_, `aiserial`_, `amonog`_, `iiserial`_, `imonog`_, `oiserial`_, `omonog`_, `piserial`_, `pmonog`_, `ref`_, `viserial`_, `vmonog`_ Attributes: none vstitle ------- Element Short title in Vancouver Contained in: `viserial`_ Contains: `stitle`_, `tp`_ Attributes: none vtitle ------ Element Group the elements of title in Vancouver Contained in: `vcontrib`_, `vmonog`_ Contains: `subtitle`_, `title`_, `tp`_ Attributes: none xmlabstr -------- Element Identify the abstract with sections Contained in: `bibcom`_, `doc`_, `docresp`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `p`_, `sec`_, `sectitle`_ Attributes: `language `_ xmlbody ------- Element Identify the body of the document, in details Contained in: `article`_, `doc`_, `docresp`_, `response`_, `subart`_, `subdoc`_ Contains: `*deflist`_, `deflist`_, `p`_, `sec`_, `sigblock`_ Attributes: none xref ---- Element Identify a cross-reference Contained in: `ifloat`_ Attributes: `ref-type `_, `rid `_, `label `_ zipcode ------- Element Identify a ZIP Code Contained in: `aff`_ Attributes: none Attributes .......... Attribute authidtp ------------------ Attribute Identify the type of author id Is attribute of: +------+-----------+ |orcid |orcid | +------+-----------+ |lattes|lattes | +------+-----------+ Attribute blcktype ------------------ Attribute Identify the text block type Is attribute of: +---+-----------+ |nd |undefined | +---+-----------+ |ack|Acknowledge| +---+-----------+ Attribute ccode --------------- Attribute Identify the Identify where the markup is done Is attribute of: +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |bjce |brazilian journal of chemical engineering | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |bjg |brazilian journal of genetics | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |bjmbr |brazilian journal of medical and biological research | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |bjp |brazilian journal of physics | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |conicyt|Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica| +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |dados |dados - revista de ciências sociais | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |br1.1 |scielo/bireme | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |infomed|InfoMed | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |jbchs |journal of the brazilian chemical society | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |jbcos |journal of the brazilian computer society | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |mioc |memórias do instituto oswaldo cruz | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |rbcs |revista brasileira de ciência do solo | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |rbgeo |revista brasileira de geociências | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |rimtsp |revista do instituto de medicina tropical de são paulo | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ |rsp |revista de saúde pública | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ Attribute corresp ----------------- Attribute Identify the correspondence information Is attribute of: `author`_ +-+---+ |y|yes| +-+---+ |n|no | +-+---+ Attribute count --------------- Attribute Identify the quantity Is attribute of: `abnt6023`_, `apa`_, `iso690`_, `other`_, `vancouv`_ +-+-+ |0|0| +-+-+ Attribute country ----------------- Attribute Identify the country Is attribute of: `patentno`_, `patgrp`_ +--+----------------------------+ |AF|Afghanistan | +--+----------------------------+ |AL|Albania | +--+----------------------------+ |DZ|Algeria | +--+----------------------------+ |AS|American Samoa | +--+----------------------------+ |AD|Andorra | +--+----------------------------+ |AO|Angola | +--+----------------------------+ |AQ|Antarctica | +--+----------------------------+ |AG|Antigua | +--+----------------------------+ |AR|Argentina | +--+----------------------------+ |AU|Australia | +--+----------------------------+ |AT|Austria | +--+----------------------------+ |BS|Bahamas | +--+----------------------------+ |BH|Bahrain | +--+----------------------------+ |BD|Bangladesh | +--+----------------------------+ |BB|Barbados | +--+----------------------------+ |BE|Belgium | +--+----------------------------+ |BZ|Belize | +--+----------------------------+ |BM|Bermuda | +--+----------------------------+ |BT|Bhutan | +--+----------------------------+ |BO|Bolivia | +--+----------------------------+ |BW|Botswana | +--+----------------------------+ |BV|Bouvet Island | +--+----------------------------+ |BR|Brazil | +--+----------------------------+ |VG|British Virgin Islands | +--+----------------------------+ |BN|Brunei | +--+----------------------------+ |BG|Bulgaria | +--+----------------------------+ |BU|Burma | +--+----------------------------+ |BI|Burundi | +--+----------------------------+ |BY|Byelorussian RSS | +--+----------------------------+ |CM|Cameroon | +--+----------------------------+ |CA|Canada | +--+----------------------------+ |CV|Cape Verde | +--+----------------------------+ |CF|Central African Rep. | +--+----------------------------+ |TD|Chad | +--+----------------------------+ |CL|Chile | +--+----------------------------+ |CN|China | +--+----------------------------+ |CO|Colombia | +--+----------------------------+ |CG|Congo | +--+----------------------------+ |CR|Costa Rica | +--+----------------------------+ |CU|Cuba | +--+----------------------------+ |CY|Cyprus | +--+----------------------------+ |CS|Czechoslovakia | +--+----------------------------+ |DK|Denmark | +--+----------------------------+ |DM|Dominica | +--+----------------------------+ |DO|Dominican Republic | +--+----------------------------+ |NQ|Dronning Maud Land | +--+----------------------------+ |EC|Ecuador | +--+----------------------------+ |EG|Egypt | +--+----------------------------+ |SV|El Salvador | +--+----------------------------+ |ET|Ethiopia | +--+----------------------------+ |FK|Falkland Islands(Malvinas) | +--+----------------------------+ |FJ|Fiji | +--+----------------------------+ |FI|Filand | +--+----------------------------+ |FR|France | +--+----------------------------+ |GF|French Guiana | +--+----------------------------+ |PF|French Polynesia | +--+----------------------------+ |GA|Gabon | +--+----------------------------+ |DD|German Democratic Republic | +--+----------------------------+ |DE|Germany, Federal Republic | +--+----------------------------+ |GH|Ghana | +--+----------------------------+ |GI|Gibraltar | +--+----------------------------+ |GR|Greece | +--+----------------------------+ |GL|Greenland | +--+----------------------------+ |GD|Grenada | +--+----------------------------+ |GP|Guadeloupe | +--+----------------------------+ |GU|Guam | +--+----------------------------+ |GT|Guatemala | +--+----------------------------+ |GC|Guinea Ecuatorial | +--+----------------------------+ |GN|Guinea | +--+----------------------------+ |GW|Guinea-Bissau | +--+----------------------------+ |GY|Guyana | +--+----------------------------+ |HT|Haiti | +--+----------------------------+ |HN|Honduras | +--+----------------------------+ |HK|Hong Kong | +--+----------------------------+ |HU|Hungary | +--+----------------------------+ |IS|Iceland | +--+----------------------------+ |IN|India | +--+----------------------------+ |ID|Indonesia | +--+----------------------------+ |IR|Iran | +--+----------------------------+ |IQ|Iraq | +--+----------------------------+ |IE|Ireland | +--+----------------------------+ |CX|Isla de Navidad | +--+----------------------------+ |JT|Isla Johnston | +--+----------------------------+ |NU|Isla Niue | +--+----------------------------+ |WK|Isla Wake | +--+----------------------------+ |PU|Islands Miscellaneous | +--+----------------------------+ |CT|Islas Canton y Enderbury | +--+----------------------------+ |CC|Islas Cocos (Keeling) | +--+----------------------------+ |CK|Islas Cook | +--+----------------------------+ |FO|Islas Feroe | +--+----------------------------+ |HM|Islas Heard y Mc Donald | +--+----------------------------+ |MI|Islas Midway | +--+----------------------------+ |PN|Islas Pitcairn | +--+----------------------------+ |SB|Islas Salomón Británico | +--+----------------------------+ |SJ|Islas Svalbard y Jan Mayen | +--+----------------------------+ |TK|Islas Tokelau | +--+----------------------------+ |WF|Islas Wallis y Futuna | +--+----------------------------+ |IL|Israel | +--+----------------------------+ |IT|Italy | +--+----------------------------+ |YU|Iugoslavia | +--+----------------------------+ |CI|Ivory Coast | +--+----------------------------+ |JM|Jamaica | +--+----------------------------+ |JP|Japan | +--+----------------------------+ |JO|Jordan | +--+----------------------------+ |KM|Kamoras Islands | +--+----------------------------+ |KH|Kampuchea Democrática | +--+----------------------------+ |KY|Kayman Islands | +--+----------------------------+ |KE|Kenya | +--+----------------------------+ |KD|Korea, Democratic People's | +--+----------------------------+ |KP|Korea, Democratic People's | +--+----------------------------+ |KR|Korea, Republic of | +--+----------------------------+ |KW|Kuwait | +--+----------------------------+ |LD|Lao People's Democratic | +--+----------------------------+ |LB|Lebanon | +--+----------------------------+ |LS|Lesotho | +--+----------------------------+ |LR|Liberia | +--+----------------------------+ |LY|Libyan | +--+----------------------------+ |LI|Liechtenstein | +--+----------------------------+ |LU|Luxembourg | +--+----------------------------+ |MO|Macau | +--+----------------------------+ |MG|Madagascar | +--+----------------------------+ |MW|Malawi | +--+----------------------------+ |MY|Malaysia | +--+----------------------------+ |MV|Maldivas | +--+----------------------------+ |ML|Mali | +--+----------------------------+ |MT|Malta | +--+----------------------------+ |MQ|Martinique | +--+----------------------------+ |MR|Mauritania | +--+----------------------------+ |MU|Mauritius | +--+----------------------------+ |MX|Mexico | +--+----------------------------+ |MC|Monaco | +--+----------------------------+ |MN|Mongolia | +--+----------------------------+ |MS|Montserrat | +--+----------------------------+ |MA|Morocco | +--+----------------------------+ |MZ|Mozambique | +--+----------------------------+ |NA|Namibia | +--+----------------------------+ |NR|Nauru | +--+----------------------------+ |NP|Nepal | +--+----------------------------+ |NL|Netherlands | +--+----------------------------+ |AN|Netherlands Antilles | +--+----------------------------+ |NC|New Caledonia | +--+----------------------------+ |NZ|New Zealand | +--+----------------------------+ |NI|Nicaragua | +--+----------------------------+ |NE|Niger | +--+----------------------------+ |NG|Nigeria | +--+----------------------------+ |NF|Norfolk Island | +--+----------------------------+ |NO|Norway | +--+----------------------------+ |NH|Nuevas Hébridas | +--+----------------------------+ |OM|Oman | +--+----------------------------+ |PC|Pacific Islands | +--+----------------------------+ |PK|Pakistan | +--+----------------------------+ |PA|Panama | +--+----------------------------+ |PG|Papua New Guinea | +--+----------------------------+ |PY|Paraguay | +--+----------------------------+ |PE|Peru | +--+----------------------------+ |PH|Philippines | +--+----------------------------+ |PL|Poland | +--+----------------------------+ |PT|Portugal | +--+----------------------------+ |PR|Puerto Rico | +--+----------------------------+ |QA|Qatar | +--+----------------------------+ |LA|Republic | +--+----------------------------+ |RE|Réunion | +--+----------------------------+ |RO|Romania | +--+----------------------------+ |RW|Rwanda | +--+----------------------------+ |PM|S. Pedro y Miguelón | +--+----------------------------+ |LC|Saint Lucia | +--+----------------------------+ |VC|Saint Vincent | +--+----------------------------+ |WS|Samoa | +--+----------------------------+ |KN|San Cristóbal-Nieves-Anguila| +--+----------------------------+ |SM|San Marino | +--+----------------------------+ |ST|Sao Tome and Principe | +--+----------------------------+ |SA|Saudi Arabia | +--+----------------------------+ |SC|Seichelles | +--+----------------------------+ |SN|Senegal | +--+----------------------------+ |SL|Sierra Leone | +--+----------------------------+ |SK|Sikkim | +--+----------------------------+ |SG|Singapur | +--+----------------------------+ |SO|Somalia | +--+----------------------------+ |ZA|South Africa | +--+----------------------------+ |ES|Spain | +--+----------------------------+ |LK|Sri Lanka | +--+----------------------------+ |SH|St. Helena | +--+----------------------------+ |SD|Sudan | +--+----------------------------+ |SR|Suriname | +--+----------------------------+ |SZ|Swaziland | +--+----------------------------+ |SE|Sweden | +--+----------------------------+ |CH|Switzerland | +--+----------------------------+ |SY|Syrian Arab Republic | +--+----------------------------+ |TW|Taiwan | +--+----------------------------+ |TZ|Tanzania | +--+----------------------------+ |TH|Thailand | +--+----------------------------+ |TG|Togo | +--+----------------------------+ |TO|Tonga | +--+----------------------------+ |TT|Trinidad and Tobago | +--+----------------------------+ |TN|Tunisia | +--+----------------------------+ |TR|Turkey | +--+----------------------------+ |TC|Turks and Caicos Islands | +--+----------------------------+ |UG|Uganda | +--+----------------------------+ |UA|Ukrainian RSS | +--+----------------------------+ |AE|United Arab Emirates | +--+----------------------------+ |GB|United Kingdom | +--+----------------------------+ |US|United States | +--+----------------------------+ |UP|United States Pacific | +--+----------------------------+ |HV|Upper Volta | +--+----------------------------+ |SU|URSS | +--+----------------------------+ |UY|Uruguay | +--+----------------------------+ |VU|Vanuatu | +--+----------------------------+ |VA|Vatican City State | +--+----------------------------+ |VE|Venezuela | +--+----------------------------+ |VN|Viet Nam | +--+----------------------------+ |EH|Western Sahara | +--+----------------------------+ |YE|Yemen | +--+----------------------------+ |YD|Yemen, Democratic | +--+----------------------------+ |ZR|Zaire | +--+----------------------------+ |ZM|Zambia | +--+----------------------------+ |nd|Not defined | +--+----------------------------+ Attribute ctdbid ---------------- Attribute Identify the clinical trial database ID Is attribute of: `ctreg`_ +------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |CT |CT - Clinicaltrials.gov | +------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |ACTR |ACTR - Australian Clinical Trials Registry | +------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |ISRCTN|ISRCTN - International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register| +------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |NTR |NTR - Nederlands Trial Register | +------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |UMIN |UMIN - University Hospital Medical Information Network | +------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |ChiCTR|ChiCTR - Chinese Clinical Trial Register | +------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Attribute cturl --------------- Attribute Identify the clinical trial database's URL Is attribute of: `ctreg`_ Attribute dateiso ----------------- Attribute Identify the date in format YYYYMMDD (YYYY = 4 digits for year, 2 digits for month, 2 digits for day) Is attribute of: `accepted`_, `cited`_, `date`_, `received`_, `revised`_ +--------+--------+ |00000000|00000000| +--------+--------+ Attribute deceased ------------------ Attribute Identify the deceased author Is attribute of: `author`_ +-+---+ |y|yes| +-+---+ |n|no | +-+---+ Attribute deposid ----------------- Attribute Identify the repository ID Is attribute of: `deposit`_ +-+-------+ |1|Unicamp| +-+-------+ |2|Unifesp| +-+-------+ |3|Unesp | +-+-------+ |4|USP | +-+-------+ |5|ITA | +-+-------+ |6|UFSCar | +-+-------+ Attribute doctopic ------------------ Attribute Identify the type of the document Is attribute of: +--+-------------------+ |ab|abstracts | +--+-------------------+ |ax|annex | +--+-------------------+ |an|announcements | +--+-------------------+ |sc|brief communication| +--+-------------------+ |cr|case report | +--+-------------------+ |ct|clinical trial | +--+-------------------+ |co|comments | +--+-------------------+ |er|correction | +--+-------------------+ |ed|editorial | +--+-------------------+ |in|interview | +--+-------------------+ |le|letter | +--+-------------------+ |mt|methodology | +--+-------------------+ |oa|original article | +--+-------------------+ |pv|point-of-view | +--+-------------------+ |pr|press release | +--+-------------------+ |rc|recount | +--+-------------------+ |rn|research note | +--+-------------------+ |ra|review article | +--+-------------------+ |tr|technical report | +--+-------------------+ |up|update | +--+-------------------+ Attribute embdate ----------------- Attribute Identify the embargo date Is attribute of: `deposit`_ Attribute entrdate ------------------ Attribute Identify the entrance date Is attribute of: `deposit`_ Attribute eqcontr ----------------- Attribute Identify the equality information Is attribute of: `author`_ +-+---+ |y|yes| +-+---+ |n|no | +-+---+ Attribute filename ------------------ Attribute Identify the filename of a figure or table or equation Is attribute of: Attribute fntype ---------------- Attribute Identify the footnote type Is attribute of: `fngrp`_ +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |abbr |Abbreviations | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |com |Communicated-by information | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |con |Contributed-by information | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |conflict |Conflict of interest statements | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |corresp |Corresponding author information not identified separately, but merely footnoted | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |current-aff |Contributor's current affiliation | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |deceased |Person has died since article was written | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |edited-by |Contributor has the role of an editor | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |equal |Contributed equally to the creation of the document | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |financial-disclosure |Statement of funding or denial of funds received in support of the research on which an article is based| +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |on-leave |Contributor is on sabbatical or other leave of absence | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |other |Some footnote type, other than those enumerated. | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |author |Some footnote type, other than those enumerated, but related to author. | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |participating-researchers|Contributor was a researcher for an article | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |present-address |Contributor's current address | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |presented-at |Conference, colloquium, or other occasion at which this paper was presented | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |presented-by |Contributor who presented the material | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |previously-at |Contributor's previous location or affiliation | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |study-group-members |Contributor was a member of the study group for the research | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |supplementary-material |Points to or describes supplementary material for the article | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |supported-by |Research upon which an article is based was supported by some entity | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Attribute from -------------- Attribute Identify the start date Is attribute of: `dperiod`_ +--------+--------+ |00000000|00000000| +--------+--------+ Attribute ftype --------------- Attribute Identify the type of the figure Is attribute of: +------------------+------------------+ |audiogram |audiogram | +------------------+------------------+ |cardiogram |cardiogram | +------------------+------------------+ |cartoon |cartoon | +------------------+------------------+ |chart |chart | +------------------+------------------+ |chemical structure|chemical structure| +------------------+------------------+ |dendrogram |dendrogram | +------------------+------------------+ |diagram |diagram | +------------------+------------------+ |drawing |drawing | +------------------+------------------+ |exihibit |exihibit | +------------------+------------------+ |graphic |graphic | +------------------+------------------+ |illustration |illustration | +------------------+------------------+ |map |map | +------------------+------------------+ |medical image |medical image | +------------------+------------------+ |other |other | +------------------+------------------+ |photo |photo | +------------------+------------------+ |photomicrograph |photomicrograph | +------------------+------------------+ |plate |plate | +------------------+------------------+ |polysomnogram |polysomnogram | +------------------+------------------+ |schema |schema | +------------------+------------------+ |workflow |workflow | +------------------+------------------+ Attribute hcomment ------------------ Attribute Identify the permission to comment or not the document Is attribute of: +-+----------------------+ |0|people can not comment| +-+----------------------+ |1|people can comment | +-+----------------------+ Attribute href -------------- Attribute Identify the href of a file Is attribute of: `graphic`_, `license`_, `media`_, `supplmat`_, `uri`_ Attribute id ------------ Attribute Identify an ID Is attribute of: `aff`_, `afftrans`_, `app`_, `boxedtxt`_, `corresp`_, `deflist`_, `docresp`_, `equation`_, `figgrp`_, `figgrps`_, `fngrp`_, `fntable`_, `media`_, `normaff`_, `ref`_, `response`_, `subart`_, `subdoc`_, `supplmat`_, `tabwrap`_ +--+-----------+ |nd|No definido| +--+-----------+ Attribute idtype ---------------- Attribute Identify the Identify type of the ID Is attribute of: `pubid`_ +-------------+-------------+ |art-access-id|art-access-id| +-------------+-------------+ |coden |coden | +-------------+-------------+ |doaj |doaj | +-------------+-------------+ |doi |doi | +-------------+-------------+ |medline |medline | +-------------+-------------+ |manuscript |manuscript | +-------------+-------------+ |rrn |rrn | +-------------+-------------+ |other |other | +-------------+-------------+ |pii |pii | +-------------+-------------+ |pmcid |pmcid | +-------------+-------------+ |pmid |pmid | +-------------+-------------+ |publisher-id |publisher-id | +-------------+-------------+ |sici |sici | +-------------+-------------+ Attribute illustrative material type ------------------------------------ Attribute Identify the illustrative material type existing in the document Is attribute of: +----+------------------------+ |nd |no illustrative material| +----+------------------------+ |ilus|figure | +----+------------------------+ |gra |graphic | +----+------------------------+ |map |map | +----+------------------------+ |tab |table | +----+------------------------+ Attribute keyword priority level -------------------------------- Attribute Identify the indicates the Is attribute of: `keyword`_ +-+---------+ |m|main | +-+---------+ |s|secondary| +-+---------+ Attribute language ------------------ Attribute Identify the language Is attribute of: `abstract`_, `docresp`_, `doctitle`_, `keyword`_, `kwdgrp`_, `license`_, `response`_, `subart`_, `subdoc`_, `title`_, `xmlabstr`_ +--+-----------+ |en|English | +--+-----------+ |pt|Portuguese | +--+-----------+ |es|Spanish | +--+-----------+ |af|Afrikaans | +--+-----------+ |ar|Arabic | +--+-----------+ |bg|Bulgarian | +--+-----------+ |ch|Chinese | +--+-----------+ |cs|Czech | +--+-----------+ |da|Danish | +--+-----------+ |nl|Dutch | +--+-----------+ |eo|Esperanto | +--+-----------+ |fr|French | +--+-----------+ |de|German | +--+-----------+ |gr|Greek | +--+-----------+ |he|Hebrew | +--+-----------+ |hi|Hindi | +--+-----------+ |hu|Hungarian | +--+-----------+ |in|Indonesian | +--+-----------+ |ia|Interlingua| +--+-----------+ |ie|Interlingue| +--+-----------+ |it|Italian | +--+-----------+ |ja|Japanese | +--+-----------+ |ko|Korean | +--+-----------+ |la|Latin | +--+-----------+ |no|Norwergian | +--+-----------+ |pl|Polish | +--+-----------+ |ro|Romanian | +--+-----------+ |ru|Russian | +--+-----------+ |sa|Sanskrit | +--+-----------+ |sh|Serbo-Croat| +--+-----------+ |sk|Slovak | +--+-----------+ |sn|Slovenian | +--+-----------+ |sv|Swedish | +--+-----------+ |tr|Turkish | +--+-----------+ |uk|Ukrainian | +--+-----------+ |ur|Urdu | +--+-----------+ |zz|Other | +--+-----------+ |gl|Galician | +--+-----------+ |eu|Basque | +--+-----------+ |ca|Catalan | +--+-----------+ Attribute lictype ----------------- Attribute Identify the license type Is attribute of: `license`_ +-----------+-----------+ |open-access|open access| +-----------+-----------+ |nd |not defined| +-----------+-----------+ Attribute listtype ------------------ Attribute Identify the type of the list Is attribute of: `list`_ +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |order |Ordered list. Prefix character is a number or a letter, depending on style | +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |bullet |Unordered or bulleted list. Prefix character is a bullet, dash, or other symbol| +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |alpha-lower|Ordered list. Prefix character is a lowercase alphabetical character | +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |alpha-upper|Ordered list. Prefix character is an uppercase alphabetical character | +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |roman-lower|Ordered list. Prefix character is a lowercase roman numeral | +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |roman-upper|Ordered list. Prefix character is an uppercase roman numeral | +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |simple |Simple or plain list (No prefix character before each item) | +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Attribute name -------------- Attribute Identify the name of the element or attribute Is attribute of: `elemattr`_, `element`_ Attribute no ------------ Attribute Identify the number Is attribute of: +-+-+ |0|0| +-+-+ Attribute orgdiv1 ----------------- Attribute Identify the organization division 1 Is attribute of: `aff`_ +--+--+ |nd|nd| +--+--+ Attribute orgdiv2 ----------------- Attribute Identify the organization division 2 Is attribute of: `aff`_ +--+--+ |nd|nd| +--+--+ Attribute orgdiv3 ----------------- Attribute Identify the organization division 3 Is attribute of: `aff`_ +--+--+ |nd|nd| +--+--+ Attribute orgname ----------------- Attribute Identify the organization name Is 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+----------------------+--------------------------+ |author-notes |Author notes | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |bibr |Bibliographic reference | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |boxed-text |Textbox or sidebar | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |chem |Chemical structure | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |contrib |Contributor | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |corresp |Corresponding author | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |disp-formula |Display formula | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |fig |Figure or group of figures| +----------------------+--------------------------+ |fn |Footnote | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |kwd |Keyword | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |list |List or list item | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |other |None of the items listed | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |plate |Plate | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |scheme |Scheme | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |sec |Section | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |statement |Statement | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |supplementary-material|Supplementary information | +----------------------+--------------------------+ |table |Table or group of tables | +----------------------+--------------------------+ Attribute relid --------------- Attribute Identify the relation between the documents Is attribute of: Attribute relidtp ----------------- Attribute Identify the type of relation between documents Is attribute of: +-------------+-------------+ |art-access-id|art-access-id| +-------------+-------------+ |coden |coden | +-------------+-------------+ |doaj |doaj | +-------------+-------------+ |doi |doi | +-------------+-------------+ |medline |medline | +-------------+-------------+ |manuscript |manuscript | +-------------+-------------+ |rrn |rrn | +-------------+-------------+ |other |other | +-------------+-------------+ |pii |pii | +-------------+-------------+ |pmcid |pmcid | +-------------+-------------+ |pmid |pmid | +-------------+-------------+ |publisher-id |publisher-id | +-------------+-------------+ |sici |sici | +-------------+-------------+ Attribute reltype ----------------- Attribute Identify the type of the related document Is attribute of: +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |unknown |- choose one of the options below -| +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |unknown-object |-- objects -- | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |vi |video | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |au |audio | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |table |table | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |figure |figure | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |other-object |other object | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |unknown-source |-- sources -- | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |book |book | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |book chapter |book chapter | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |database |database | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |article |article | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |pr |press release | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |other-source |other source | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |unknown-related-type |-- related types -- | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |addended-article |addended-article | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |addendum |addendum | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |commentary-article |commentary-article | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |object-of-concern |object-of-concern | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |companion |companion | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |corrected-article |corrected-article | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |letter |letter | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |retracted-article |retracted-article | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |peer-reviewed-article|peer-reviewed-article | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |peer-review |peer-review | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ |other-related-type |other related type | +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ Attribute resptp ---------------- Attribute Identify the response type Is attribute of: `docresp`_, `response`_ +----------+----------+ |addendum |addendum | +----------+----------+ |discussion|discussion| +----------+----------+ |reply |reply | +----------+----------+ Attribute rid ------------- Attribute Identify an reference to an ID Is attribute of: `author`_, `sig`_, `xref`_ +--+-----------+ |nd|No definido| +--+-----------+ Attribute role -------------- Attribute Identify the Role of the author Is attribute of: `author`_, `authors`_, `oauthor`_, `sig`_, `subresp`_ +-----+-----------+ |nd |Not defined| +-----+-----------+ |coord|coordinator| +-----+-----------+ |ed |publisher | +-----+-----------+ |org |organizer | +-----+-----------+ |tr |translator | +-----+-----------+ Attribute scheme ---------------- Attribute Identify the controlled vocabulary Is attribute of: `keygrp`_ +----+--------------------------+ |nd |No Descriptor | +----+--------------------------+ |decs|Health Science Descriptors| +----+--------------------------+ Attribute sec-type ------------------ Attribute Identify the type of the section Is attribute of: `sec`_ +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |nd |undefined | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |materials|methods |* Materials and Methodology | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |results|discussion |* Results and Discussion | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |results|conclusions |* Results and Conclusions | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |results|discussion|conclusions|* Results, Discussion, Conclusions| +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |cases |Cases/Case Reports | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |conclusions |Conclusions/Comment | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |discussion |Discussion/Interpretation | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |intro |Introduction/Synopsis | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |materials |Materials | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |methods |Methods/Methodology/Procedures | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |results |Results/Statement of Findings | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |subjects |Subjects/Participants/Patients | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |supplementary-material |Supplementary materials | +------------------------------+----------------------------------+ Attribute specyear ------------------ Attribute Identify the year as presented in the reference. E.g.: 2005, c1900 (about 1900), 1800a, etc. Is attribute of: `date`_ Attribute sponsor ----------------- Attribute Identify the funding institution Is attribute of: +--+------------+ |nd|Not definido| +--+------------+ Attribute standard ------------------ Attribute Identify the standard adopted by the journal Is attribute of: `abnt6023`_, `apa`_, `iso690`_, `other`_, `vancouv`_ +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |iso690 |iso 690/87 - international standard organization | +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |nbr6023|nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas | +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |other |other standard | +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |vancouv|the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals| +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |apa |American Psychological Association | +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Attribute subarttp ------------------ Attribute Identify the type of the sub-article Is attribute of: `subart`_, `subdoc`_ +-------------------+-------------------+ |translation |translation | +-------------------+-------------------+ |abstract |abstract | +-------------------+-------------------+ |addendum |addendum | +-------------------+-------------------+ |announcement |announcement | +-------------------+-------------------+ |article-commentary |article-commentary | +-------------------+-------------------+ |book-review |book-review | +-------------------+-------------------+ |books-received |books-received | +-------------------+-------------------+ |brief-report |brief-report | +-------------------+-------------------+ |calendar |calendar | +-------------------+-------------------+ |case-report |case-report | +-------------------+-------------------+ |collection |collection | +-------------------+-------------------+ |correction |correction | +-------------------+-------------------+ |discussion |discussion | +-------------------+-------------------+ |dissertation |dissertation | +-------------------+-------------------+ |editorial |editorial | +-------------------+-------------------+ |in-brief |in-brief | +-------------------+-------------------+ |introduction |introduction | +-------------------+-------------------+ |letter |letter | +-------------------+-------------------+ |meeting-report |meeting-report | +-------------------+-------------------+ |news |news | +-------------------+-------------------+ |obituary |obituary | +-------------------+-------------------+ |oration |oration | +-------------------+-------------------+ |partial-retraction |partial-retraction | +-------------------+-------------------+ |procut-review |procut-review | +-------------------+-------------------+ |rapid-communication|rapid-communication| +-------------------+-------------------+ |reply |reply | +-------------------+-------------------+ |reprint |reprint | +-------------------+-------------------+ |research-article |research-article | +-------------------+-------------------+ |retraction |retraction | +-------------------+-------------------+ |review-article |review-article | +-------------------+-------------------+ Attribute to ------------ Attribute Identify the due date Is attribute of: `dperiod`_ +--------+--------+ |00000000|00000000| +--------+--------+ Attribute toccode ----------------- Attribute Identify the indicates whether the text title is present on the table of contents (title) or not (sectitle) Is attribute of: +-+--------+ |1|title | +-+--------+ |2|sectitle| +-+--------+ Attribute value --------------- Attribute Identify the value of the element or attribute Is attribute of: `elemattr`_ Attribute version ----------------- Attribute Identify the version of the document Is attribute of: +---+---+ |3.1|3.1| +---+---+ |4.0|4.0| +---+---+ []