How to install

XML Package Maker

  1. Install and/or check the requirements

  2. Download the installer

  3. Run the installer

  4. Inform the application location

  5. Open a terminal (cmd) and execute the following commands:

Execute the command below to go to the folder where the script install_requirements.bat is:


For instance:




Execute the command below to install the requirements install_requirements.bat:


For instance:



_images/installation_configure_xpm_04.png _images/installation_configure_xpm_05.png _images/installation_configure_xpm_06.png


  1. Install and/or check the requirements

  2. Download the installer

  3. Run the installer

  4. Configure:

    • Application’s folder: complete with the application name for the Programs Menu
    • URL: SciELO Collection URL
    • Programs’s destination folder: location of the programs folder (bin)
    • Data destination folder: location of the data folder (serial). Repeat the same value of the previous field.
  5. Select:

    • Markup: program to identify the bibliographic elements in the articles/texts
    • Markup - Automata files (opcionalmente): examples of files for automatic markup
  6. Open a terminal (cmd) and execute the following commands:

    Execute the command below to go to the location of install_requirements.bat:

    cd <LOCAL DE INSTALACAO SciELO Markup>\xml

    For instance:




    Execute the command below to install the requirements install_requirements.bat:


    For instance:


    This command will display several lines, the main result expected is:


SciELO PC Programs Completo: Title Manager, Converter, Markup, XPM etc

  1. Install and/or check the requirements

  2. Download the installer

  3. Run the installer

  4. Configure:

    • Application’s folder: complete with the application name for the Programs Menu
    • URL: SciELO Collection URL
    • Programs’s destination folder: location of the programs folder (bin)
    • Data destination folder: location of the data folder (serial).
  5. Select the programs:

  • Title Manager: program to manage journals and issues databases

  • Converter: program to load the marked documents into the database

  • XML SciELO: (opcional) program to create XML format for PubMed

  1. Open a terminal (cmd) and execute the following commands:

    Execute the command below to go to the location of install_requirements.bat:

    cd <LOCAL DE INSTALACAO SciELO Markup>\xml

    For instance:




    Execute the command below to install the requirements install_requirements.bat:


    For instance:


    This command will display several lines, the main result expected is:


How to configure

XML Package Maker and XML Markup

By default the program works considering Internet access available, no proxy for internet access, and use of packtools as an XML structure validator (instead of the style-checker).

For cases where internet access is done via proxy or there is no internet access, it is necessary to edit the example file scielo_env.ini available in ?/bin/ with the following parameters:

complete with proxy, if applicable
complete with “off” only if there is no internet access
complete with “packtools|java” if you want to use packtools to validate XML

Example of completed parameters:


Title Manager and Converter

Configure the environment variable BAP:

Set OS23470a to the environment variable BAP, by acccedeng the Windows menu: Control Panel -> Performance and Maintenance -> System -> Advanced Settings -> Environment variables.

Check if the variable already exists. If it does not, click New and enter the value.


XML Converter

PDF, XML and imagens to the local web site

Inform to XML Converter the location of local web site in order the PDF, XML and images files be copied to the local web site. Edit the file c:\scielo\bin\scielo_paths.ini, the line:


Replace c:\home\scielo\www by the local web site location. For instance:


Validation of tables and formulas

Tables and formulas are required to be coded by default.

To change this level of demanding, edit the corresponding file: c:\scielo\bin\scielo_collection.ini:


Set to off not to require coded table and formula.

Application Program Menu

Sometimes the menu of the application will be created only for the Administrator user.

C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrador\\Menu Iniciar\\Programas

In this case, copy the SciELO folder to All Users folder, to all users have the menu.

C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Menu Iniciar\\Programas